Pregnancy is a special state of a woman, during which many changes occur in her body. In this article, we will find out what you need to know in order to ensure your well-being and a smooth course of pregnancy. From pregnancy issues to financial planning, there are a lot of things to consider and prepare for your baby.

Unintended pregnancy and your feelings

Unintended pregnancy is always stress that affects women. When she finds out this, she is usually alone, takes time to reflect, and after announcing the pregnancy to her partner, she waits for his quick response and positive reaction. Many women are afraid of a negative reaction from their partner. Indeed, she needs support. Here are some pieces of advice to take care of your well-being after finding out about unexpected pregnancy:

· A man should also find out about it earlier (by phone or text) so that he will have time to think about it before meeting and talking with his woman.

· The doctor must prepare the woman psychologically, and advise her on how to tell her husband.

· Remember, you should not accept the man’s first reaction as final. Practice shows that couples who choose abortion regret this decision after 2 years.

· Be careful with your mental and physical health because pregnancy intention is really important for both your and your child’s health in general. It is a scientifically proven fact that unintended pregnancy is related to increased stress and maternal depression. Unwanted childbirth also is one of the main causes of poor relationships between mother and her child in the future.

However, all feelings are normal. It should be understood that in the first weeks after news about pregnancy, a woman can become more sensitive due to physiological and emotional changes. Take care of yourself, calculate your pregnancy weeks with a due date predictor, and do not be afraid to talk with your partner, family, friends, and specialists.

Pregnancy is a life-changing experience

After finding out that she is pregnant, a woman usually experiences conflicting feelings: she can be happy and sad at the same time. A new role brings a lot of uncertainty. The waiting period usually is romanticized, often keeping silent about this period, that it is not only tears of joy but also repetitive and unexpected anger and grief periods even in the middle of the night. Here are some reasons why women feel uncertain feelings during pregnancy:

· Pregnancy is a major change in life, during which a woman’s identity and social roles change. A woman must get used to the idea that she will not only be a wife, partner, daughter, or sister, but also a mother.

· Pregnancy is related to new changes and responsibilities. A particularly large proportion of women experience conflicting feelings about pregnancy.

· An unplanned pregnancy, sometimes a pregnancy in very difficult life circumstances, or a complicated pregnancy causes marked emotional fluctuations.

· Women who suffered from depression during pregnancy and were treated with antidepressants have a fear of the medication’s side effects on the baby. However, during pregnancy, a woman is usually consulted by doctors more often, so the number of cases of undiagnosed depression or other disorders could be reduced by paying attention to the first symptoms of mental pathology in time.

However, despite all of the challenges, probably every mother will say that all difficulties can be overcomed. All in all, during pregnancy, the psychological well-being of women should not be forgotten because they are excited and worried about the ongoing changes in life.

Pregnancy affects women’s body

Another change in a woman’s life that affects her well-being is her body changes, including weight gain, during pregnancy. Of course, weight gain isn’t the only body change future moms must adjust to. The whole body of a pregnant woman changes a lot. Let’s find out how women’s body is changing during this important period of life:

· Women have different body types and they have different body weights. The ideal body gain during pregnancy is 10-12 kilograms. Nowadays, women gain more weight, but gaining 30 kilograms is not good. Because with such a weight, it is not only more difficult to carry a baby, but also more difficult to give birth. In addition, pregnancy complications develop, blood pressure rises, etc.

· Most of the time, hips are filled with so-called nutritional fats that disappear after the birth of the child. The structure of the woman’s body changes – the hands become bigger; the face swells a little due to hormonal changes.

· Breasts also change, preparing for feeding.

· Moreover, hormones contribute to a woman’s mood swings during pregnancy. Estrogen and progesterone can lead to more frequent and rapid mood swings. An increase in the stress hormone (cortisol) can make a woman feel more anxious, and adrenaline can cause a greater feeling of anger or irritation.

· However, it should be kept in mind that hormonal changes can also affect the expression of more pleasant feelings. For example, endorphins and serotonin are hormones of joy and happiness that help women relax more and feel more satisfied in life.

Hormones can work differently in every woman. It depends on the functioning of the endocrine system, the ways in which a woman overcomes stress, the social support of relatives, psychological resistance, or temperament. Often the feelings caused by hormones can be incomprehensible and unclear. However, it is important to try to accept the feelings that arise and try to stay with them, wait for them to pass, and not to be afraid of your feelings.

The importance of you and your feelings after childbirth

A large number of mothers feel very unexpected and even frightening signs just a few days after the birth of a child. She realizes that she is completely lost in her feelings – sometimes she wants to laugh, sometimes she wants to cry. What is happening?

· Tears fall often, abundantly, neither she nor her loved ones understand their reason.

· A woman suddenly becomes impatient, and irritable, even small things irritate her.

· The woman feels insecure, tense, tired, restless, and depressed. 

· It may sound strange, but it is normal to feel this way as mentioned above for a few days, even a week or two after giving birth. However, for about 1 in 7 women, after 2 weeks, their well-being does not improve but turns into true postpartum depression.

Postpartum depression is a mental disorder characterized by a depressed mood lasting at least 2 weeks, problems with concentration and memory, changes in sleep, and appetite. Fatigue, lack of motivation, headaches, or other physical complaints may occur. Postpartum depression can occur for a variety of reasons. For example, due to hormonal fluctuations, lack of social support, financial difficulties, or even childhood trauma. Sometimes postpartum depression can also occur due to genetic reasons. It is important not to be afraid of your feelings and to talk about them with loved ones. If this does not help, you should seek help from specialists.

The Bottom Line

Pregnancy is a woman’s life-changing experience. Every woman must love and take care of herself throughout pregnancy and after giving birth to a child. Don’t forget to protect not only the child but also your body and mental health. Never forget that you are valuable, loved, and important for just being here.