No two people experience periods in exactly the same way. Some are fortunate and have very light bleeding and barely any pain, whereas others must endure tight cramps and rolling nausea. If you have trouble with painful periods, then you are most likely searching for the solution that is right for you since what works for one person doesn’t always work for another. Take a look at some of these tips, and hopefully, you will find something that alleviates the pain.

Rest and Relax
Sometimes the stress of being on your period in the first place can bring on additional physical pain. The mind and body are far more connected than many people assume, meaning that your mood and your pain levels can influence each other. If you are having trouble finding a way to manage the physical symptoms of your period, think about focusing on your mental and emotional needs instead. Be kinder to yourself and make opportunities for rest throughout the day wherever possible.
Hydrate and Stay Active
While being kind to yourself on your period is important, it is not the same thing as indulging yourself. You may want to turn to comfort foods that contain a lot of sugar or fats, but although these might temporarily cheer you up, they will exacerbate your physical symptoms. Instead, drink water frequently and do some stretches. This will help to loosen up your muscles and relax the cramps.
Soothe the Symptoms
Another way to ease the pain is to address each symptom as it arises. For example, a hot water bottle held to the cramping parts of your body can help to release tension. Similarly, a warm bath or hot shower can relax your muscles. Avoid sitting in one position for an extended period, as this can result in greater pain once you move again. Of course, if you simply need a break from the pain caused by your period, then medication tablets can be used to delay periods. This can be extremely useful if you have an event or activity coming up where being on your period would be particularly frustrating.
Speak to a Doctor
If the pain is too much to bear every time you have your period, you should consider making an appointment with your doctor to make sure that there aren’t any underlying medical causes for your painful periods. Sometimes health conditions can lead to period pain, and their treatment can make it easier. It is especially important to speak to a medical professional if you notice a sudden change in your period, such as a heavier flow or irregular bleeding. Depending on the cause, your doctor may advise taking a hormonal contraceptive to ease the symptoms of your period. These have been known to help some people gain greater control over their menstruation.
Experiencing a painful period can distract you from what you care about in life and make it more difficult to concentrate. Look after your physical comfort, your mental well-being, and contact a doctor if anything unusual occurs.
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