Assisted living facilities are suitable options for the health, well-being, and safety of seniors. However, one difficult thing about moving from a completely independent setting to a senior living facility is the transition. It can take up to three months to completely adapt to this new setting. Even though it is quite unpleasant to lose one’s sense of independence, ways exist to ensure a loved one can adjust to changing their living conditions.

How to keep seniors happy

Being involved in their lives is the most effective way to keep seniors happy in an assisted living facility. A great way to start this process is by helping them to move into the senior living facility. With this, they will be able to let you know if there are any problems from the start.

From there, encourage your loved one to stay active and build friendships. These will prove helpful in ensuring that your loved one adjusts to their new environment. Also, if they now have to rely on your input on their health care, you need to ensure that they get the best service. Also, make an effort to regularly check upon them.

The following are some tips that will help your loved one become comfortable in their new environment:

1. Make the transition easier

It can be stressful to move into a senior living facility. Due to this, you should be able to help your loved one make sure that the transition goes smoothly. A handful of seniors may strongly feel that they can take care of themselves and strongly detest moving to a new place. Also, seniors with dementia or Alzheimer’s may not completely understand why they’re having to move. Make sure to choose a home that has a deep understanding of how to care for seniors that live with these conditions, like the Clover Group. They also have a deep connection with the community through the Clover Group and The Walk for Alzheimer’s initiative!

2. Include personal belongings in their new surroundings

When seniors move to assisted living facilities like Mrytle Beach retirement homes, they are usually required to reduce their belongings since their new location won’t be able to house everything they own. Assist them in sorting through their prized possessions, then select those they will take with them to their new environment to make it feel like home. These possessions can include heirlooms, photographs, or a favorite chair.

3. Tend to relationships

Assisted living facilities will provide seniors with an opportunity to create new relationships and consolidate old ones. These two instances can definitely improve health and happiness.

Tightly knit relationships make people happy ā€“ which will help to prevent physical and mental decline. By staying in an assisted facility, seniors will have the opportunity to make friends with other seniors and even some of the staff taking care of them.

4. Participation in activities

A good way seniors can build relationships is by participating in activities. These activities can also be helpful in making them stay in shape ā€“ physically and mentally. A lot of assisted living facilities organize activities most of the day. Even though everyone won’t participate, there will be a time when an activity will be ideal for everyone. Even seniors with dementia can be included in the activities. You could even talk to the staff to introduce activities you know your loved one is comfortable participating in.