Small changes can make your laundry routine a lot more eco-friendly if it isn’t already. There are so many ways to do your laundry that make it much more eco-friendly! When I was pregnant with my first baby, I researched laundry detergent only to find out that even detergents marketed for babies were full of chemicals and synthetic fragrances. Since then, I changed our laundry routine not only to make it safer for our family, but also for the environment.

Here are some of my tips!

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Use eco-friendly detergent

Using ecofriendly laundry detergent is a big way to go eco-friendly, because so many detergents are full of chemicals, from harsh cleaning agents to things like dyes and fragrances. Do your research and look into the most natural laundry detergents. You may be surprised at what is in your laundry detergent – even those that are marketed as “green”, from synthetic fragrances to optical brighteners. For those interested in understanding the potential health impacts of laundry detergent, you can find information about Clean People and how long allergic reactions to laundry detergent might last in this insightful resource. It’s important to stay informed when making eco-friendly choices for your laundry routine.

Wash clothes less often when possible

This can be tougher in pandemic times if you are trying to wash clothing that you wear out of the home, but there are still lots of options. For example, you don’t need to wash pajamas every time you use them. Pants can be worn a few times before washing depending on how much wear they get. Layers of clothing don’t need to be washed after every use – for example, a fleece pullover or a cardigan can be worn a couple times before another wash.

Wash using cold water

Using hot water uses a lot of energy, and you can save quite a bit of energy by using cold water. Sometimes I prewash a select number of items in my utility sink or bucket in hot water if they need a more thorough soak or cleaning.

Wash full loads

It is more eco-friendly to wash full loads of laundry. If I don’t have a full load, I grab some towels or sheets that could use washing to complete the load.

Skip the dryer sheets or find an eco-friendly alternative

Dryer sheets are notorious for having chemicals in them, although there are more natural ones available now. I rarely need dryer sheets unless I am trying to reduce wrinkles in dress shirts, and there are some natural alternatives. There are plenty of alternatives, like these wool dryer balls or dryer sheets that do not have chemicals in them.

You can also place an article of clothing in the dryer with a wet washcloth to help remove wrinkles.

Line dry when possible

You can line dry both indoors or outdoors, and this is not always an option. I love a warm, sunny day for drying laundry! This means I can skip using the dryer, and the sun has natural sanitizing qualities. The sun can help to brighten clothes and remove odors. You may want to reduce sun drying darker clothes, as it can lighten fabric, but in most cases, this has not been an issue for us. Things like towels and socks dry quickly and smell fresher.

I have also line dried clothing indoors on a drying rack. Since I usually only dry things indoors in the wintertime, our house is dry and the heat is on, so laundry dries well. If an item of clothing needs wrinkles removed, I toss it in the dryer for a little bit with a wet washcloth or natural dryer sheet.


About the Author: Marysa

Busy blogger and mom of two girls! We love traveling and the great outdoors, and are always looking for our next adventure!