Some of us have eye problems from a very young age and have always needed glasses. For most of us, however, changes in vision and the development of issues with sight arrive during middle age.
From around 40 years old, many of us will see a deterioration in our sight and either develop myopia or presbyopia. However, these two conditions are often both present, and that is when you might need to consider the aid of bifocal prescription glasses or invasive eye surgery. For most people, the surgery isn’t necessary and since it is a common and easily treated problem, getting a prescription pair of glasses is all they need.

Bifocals make life a lot easier than the alternative – A different pair of glasses for near and far-sighted activities, and they are certainly a very popular choice for those who require both types of lenses.
If you’re in the market for bifocals, or even if you’re not sure, let’s take a look at the five practical guidelines for selecting bifocal prescription glasses!
1 – Consult The Experts
The first and most important guideline is to always consult with experts at every step of your journey. It includes the very first step in research (well done, you’ve succeeded in step 1), through to the consultation phase, decision phase, and purchase phase.
If you feel that your vision is deteriorating, the first step is to either see your physician or make an appointment with an eye specialist. Many people prefer dealing with their GPs or physicians, and sometimes you need a referral from them to get your expert appointment. Do your homework and find out what is required in your particular state or city.
During the following steps, only deal with intermediaries and outlets that are credible and accredited, and don’t believe every promise you see online. As you should already know, there are some very shady people online, and taking chances with your vision is not recommended.
Remember that these types of glasses are specially created for your needs and cannot be replaced by a cheaper one-size-fits-all alternative, no matter what promises you hear online. The bottom line is that the only advice you should take is from accredited and professional people and organizations.
2 – A Little Time To Adjust
Bifocals do two things by correcting both near and farsightedness. That means that suddenly, after either having ordinary readers or no glasses, you’ll have a gadget that gives you two different points of view on your face during your waking hours.
The top of the lens is usually for viewing things properly at a distance, and the bottom part is to view closer things, and a line divides the two. This means that you’ll also suddenly be tilting your head and moving your neck a little differently once you start using them. If you spend a lot of time reading, executive bifocal glasses are a good option, as they offer a large reading area.
The bottom line is that bifocals take some time to adjust to. So be patient and trust the process. You’ll get used to them soon and begin seeing the huge benefits in time.
3 – The Line Is Optional
The line that separates the two sides of a pair of bifocals is there for a reason. As mentioned, there are two sides to these lenses. There is, however, an alternative for those who either don’t like the sudden transition or the physical line, and that is a progressive lens.
The progressive lens, so named for the physical progression in function on the lens and not for its forward-thinking, is a type of bifocal that facilitates a smooth transition between seeing far and seeing near.
Since there is no line, the lens provides a subtle and gradual change in function as you view from the top and the bottom, doing what the traditional bifocals do but without the sudden change and the line.
The choice between traditional and progressive bifocals is a personal one – There are fans of both, and it does depend on your personal preference and lifestyle. It is always a good idea to try both on and see how they feel.
4 – Contact Option
While progressive lenses are an excellent option for those who don’t like the line, some of us don’t like the frames or the rims either, and there’s a solution for you too! Many people don’t know that bifocal contact lenses are an option.
There are certain limitations, though. For example, many people feel that they don’t provide the same crisp close vision as the glasses, and even more people agree that they work much better as hard contacts only.
Lastly, they can also be challenging to fit into the eye, so be sure to do your homework and try a pair on before making your choice.
5 – Changes Over Time
Remember that just like your vision isn’t what it was ten years ago, it also won’t be the same in ten years.
Our vision changes over time, so even when you get the prescription bifocals, and you’re seeing everything better than ever, you still need to keep regular appointments.
In closing, bifocals can make a world of difference when they’re needed, but remember that there are quite a few options to consider. Most importantly, always consult with the professionals for the best results!
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