Nowadays, hundreds of students choose to pursue a medical or dental degree in Europe. 

As a parent of an international student, you will have a lot on your mind as you prepare your child to study medicine or dentistry in English abroad

Parents have an essential role to play in ensuring the personal and academic success of their children. Therefore, here is a list of the top 13 mobile apps for international dental students that you can check out and recommend to your child. 

Study Apps

  1. BoneBox – Dental

Available on: Android and iOS (FREE)

This app is an excellent source of information for both dental students and medical professionals. It uses 3D modelling technology to provide a detailed anatomical and morphological structure of the human dental anatomy.

You may examine every tooth in the jaw simultaneously, or you can view them separately and rotate them whatever you wish. This is an excellent method to engage with the features of each tooth while reviewing dental anatomy lecture notes.

  1. Tooth Morphology 

Available on: Android ($)

Tooth Morphology is an app developed exclusively for dental students in their first years of dental school. However, its user-friendly design makes it simple to use for everybody. 

The app contains 3D images of teeth and is an excellent resource for primary and critical information about tooth morphology. Overall, this app can’t displace textbooks, but it is ideal for enriching students’ knowledge.

A similar app for iOS users is Real Tooth Morphology.

  1. Dental Drugs 

Available on: Android and iOS (FREE)

This app will help your international dental student easily and quickly find information about commonly prescribed drugs and an anaesthetic calculator. Keep in mind that the app is optimised for use in the USA and Canada but still is an excellent resource for quick reference. 

Note-taking Apps

  1. Notion

Available on: Android and iOS (Personal plan – FREE)

Notion is an all in one app. It features:

  • Notes
  • To-do lists
  • Folderless Organisation
  • Sync with other devices
  • Calendars
  • Reminders
  • And more

By using this app, dental students can create systems for keeping track of studies, time management, note-taking, and pretty much all daily tasks and activities. Making an interactive to-do list assists students in keeping all of their priorities at the forefront and maintaining a balance in their dental student lifestyle.

  1. Google Keep

Available on: Android and iOS (FREE)

This is a great app not only for dental students but everyone. You can add notes, lists, photos, and voice recordings. Google Keep is a simple and user-friendly software that helps you organise notes, files and set reminders for important upcoming events. 

Students can also share notes with friends! Therefore, Google Keep makes learning fast, attractive, and accessible. 

  1. Evernote

Available on: Android and iOS (FREE)

Another mobile app designed for note-taking, task management, and archiving is Evernote. Dental students must write down a lot of information and organise it well to perform excellent on exams. 

Dental and MD degree students can make notes in the form of text, drawings, images, audio, or stored online information. Notes are saved in notebooks and may be categorised, annotated, altered, searched, attached to other notes, and exported.

Travel Apps

  1. Moovit

Available on: Android and iOS (FREE)

A must-have app for international students! Moovit is an excellent app for urban mobility. It features maps of cities worldwide and schedules for bus, train, and subway lines. It is a great way to navigate around a new town and organise trips with friends. 

Some other key features are:

  • Showing real-time arrivals
  • Immediate alerts such as delays, traffic jams, and construction
  • Live Navigation 
  • User reports 
  1. AroundMe

Available on: Android and iOS (FREE)

Dental students are preoccupied with their studies. As an international student in a foreign country, your child will probably be worried about finding places like banks, shops, restaurants, and coffee shops. 

AroundMe app detects your location fast and allows you to select the closest Bank, Hospital, Hotel, Movie Theatre, Restaurant, Supermarket, and more.

  1. Flights by StudentUniverse

Available on: Android and iOS (FREE)

If your child wants to book a flight back home, make sure to check out the options listed in Flights by StudentUniverse. This app shows exclusive flights and hotel offers with discounts for students. 

Another helpful feature is comparing flights from different airlines. Therefore, you can choose the cheapest flight and save money. 

Food Apps

  1. BigOven

Available on: Android and iOS (FREE)

Students can put cooking in the background, but we all know that this will be bad for their health in the long term. So here is a simple solution!

BigOven makes cooking simple and fun. How? The app features:

  • Cooking recipes

You can find interesting recent recipes and save them, so you won’t wonder what to cook. 

  • Grocery shopping

Users can create grocery lists and make sure they have everything needed in their fridge.

  • Menu Planer

You may plan out all of your meals for the upcoming week.

  • Use Up Leftovers

After entering the ingredients you have on hand, you will be given a fun recipe to try. This keeps your fridge clean and cuts down on waste.

  1. Cookpad App

Available on: Android and iOS (FREE)

Cookpad is like Pinterest but with recipes. You can add your recipes or follow other people to steal breakfast, lunch, and dinner ideas. Like the app listed above with Cookpad, you can also save your favourite recipes and try them later.

Productivity Apps

  1. Forest

Available on: Android and iOS (FREE)

We all know that students tend to use their phones a lot. Social media apps are a great distraction. To help dental students focus better, you can recommend them to try out the Forest App.

Student needs to simply launch the Forest app and plant a tree whenever they need to focus. This tree will continue to grow as long as the student remains attentive and do not touch their phone. Users can ultimately convert these trees (and their hard work) into a forest. 

Forest app also monitors your concentrated moments, accumulating a database with your good habits that you may utilise to overcome procrastination and effectively study for dental school.

  1. Engross 

Available on: Android and iOS (FREE)

This app is famous for its focus timer, to-do lists, and day planner. Dental students can benefit most from the Pomodoro technique timer. The Pomodoro technique boosts productivity by dividing work into smaller intervals of 25-30 minutes, each separated by a few minute mini-break.

The apps listed in this article are designed to help prospective and current dental students manage their time better and make their study abroad experience amazing. Furthermore, when students become weary of learning, they may try several dental gaming apps!