Noticeboards can be a very effective way of sharing information, particularly in a school environment. Whether you are looking to display information regarding events, exams, sports or school news – a well-placed notice board is a versatile, easy to use and budget-friendly solution.

Here’s our guide to what makes a great school noticeboard.
While the majority of noticeboards are used indoors, there are models available that are suited to outdoor use. These are typically post-mounted to allow for dual-sided use, and are water resistant – both in terms of the materials used in construction and in protecting the notices from being affected by rainwater.
For reception areas or outdoor uses, a branded noticeboard can be a stylish and professional option. These will typically incorporate your school’s name, logo or motto and can make a seriously classy first impression for visitors, staff and students alike.
Your noticeboard does not have to be dull – indeed, the brighter and more attractive it is the more likely students are to take notice. Modern manufacturing methods mean that you can find noticeboards in a huge range of colours, for both the frame and the noticeboard surface.
For more important notices or those that need to stay in place for sustained periods, you should consider tamper-proofing. This usually takes the form of a lockable clear glass or perspex hinged window that protects the notices. These are also great for corridors or hallways where high foot traffic levels might result in people being jostled into the board.
Board surface
There are a few choices when it comes to the surface of your board, largely dependent on the type of notice you want to display.
Whiteboards allow you to draw or write your announcements and can often be found with magnetic surfaces so that other forms of notice can be attached with magnets.
Corkboards are the classic noticeboard type. Drawing pins or staples are used to secure the paper or cardboard notices to the display.
Felt and plastic boards work in the exact same way as cork noticeboards; however, they are typically available in a broader range of colours and finishes.
Frame type
Your next choice is what kind of frame you want. Wood is the classic choice – it’s cheap and effective but some models are poorly made. Aluminium is a great option – these boards will look professional, and the aluminium can give a nice colour contrast to the board itself. Aluminium is also easy to keep clean by simply wiping. Frameless boards are the last word in style and panache, and have the added benefit of being able to be placed adjacent to each other for smooth, uninterrupted runs.
Top suppliers will be able to provide you with noticeboards that are both dust and bacteria repelling. These are particularly good for high-traffic sites like schools, as they reduce the effects of allergens and prevent bacteria spreading through the student population.
Fire safety
Make sure that you purchase and install a noticeboard that is constructed from fire-retardant or fire-resistant materials – the relevant standard to look out for is BS EN13501.
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