What training materials are the most efficient when preparing for the PMI PMP certification? This is one of the questions for which it is very difficult to find a response. Still, a training material that is useful for one candidate might be less effective for another one. Thus, you can obtain the PMP designation from the first attempt if you explore different preparation materials and find the ones that work best for you. So, apart from enrolling in different classes, you can also consolidate your knowledge with self-study materials. This article will offer you valuable information on some of the most popular books that you can use for obtaining the PMP credential. Thus, check them out below http://www.certbolt.com!

3 Books That Will Help You Obtain PMP Badge
When it comes to the best study guides necessary for the PMP exam, here’s what to explore on the Amazon.com website:
1. PMBOK Guide – Seventh Edition by PMI
This is the official study guide developed for all candidates who want to earn the PMP credential. The book focuses on detailing the changes that appeared in project management approaches and helps the readers improve their knowledge of hybrid, agile, traditional, adaptive, and other project management styles. In addition, it offers details on the tools as well as techniques that can be applied in project management strategies or highlight the outcomes that should be followed when managing a project. Finally, this book integrates PMI standards and helps the users understand how they can apply them in their jobs http://www.exam-labs.com .
2. PMP Exam Master Prep: Learn Faster, Retain More, Pass PMP Exam by Scott Payne This study guide offers you the opportunity to learn how to implement the theoretical concepts in real business scenarios. The training material has been updated according to the exam syllabus and includes various examples that will help you solve any project management situation. In addition, it explains the project management concepts in simple and clear terms.
3. PMP Exam Prep Simplified by Andrew Ramdayal
This is a unique guide adapted to the PMP exam requirements for 2021. It follows the test syllabus to the tiniest details and comes with additional help by offering the candidates the opportunity to improve their project management skills during 35 hours of an e-learning course. Apart from that, this training book includes more than 1500 questions that focus on the items included in the syllabus. So, you will have the opportunity to check your preparedness status and identify the areas on which you need to focus more.
Training is crucial in your journey to obtaining the PMI PMP certification. While the starting point should be checking the exam blueprint, you should do more than that. As you need to improve your skills in different project management topics, you will need to dig deeper and identify varied preparation options. For example, Amazon.com can be a great source of materials that will meet your preparation needs. Besides, the books published by the vendor are important in consolidating your knowledge. Add the above-mentioned books to taking an online project management course and it should more than prepare you for the certification. So, check out the materials detailed in this article and count on them to leverage your skills before sitting for the actual PMP evaluation!
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