Keeping the spark alive in a relationship or marriage is critical to its success. While life undoubtedly gets in the way and throws curveball after curveball in the way, there are things that you can do together to overcome these obstacles and go the distance. 

Particularly throughout the last year and a bit, couples up and down the country have had to become creative in how they keep the spark alive, and the number of at-home dates naturally spiked throughout stay-at-home orders and lockdown. 

As we emerge from the grips of the pandemic, there will be some people reading this and beyond who are eager to get back to their favorite restaurant with their favorite person. On the other hand, there will also be some others who are a bit more apprehensive about this sudden return to normality after so long. That is where we come into the equation!

Detailed right here, you will find a list of some ideas that you can implement into your plans when creating the perfect at-home date night. Whether you are intending to save money from going out on dates or wish to have more intimate moments with your other half, we feel confident you will find an inspiring at home date idea here. Read on for more! 

  1. Movie Night: A tale as old as time and a favorite pastime for many. A movie night at home is something that we feel confident everyone has experienced at some point in their lives. Ideal for a quiet night in, and when wanting to recreate the cinema experience at home, this is certainly something to consider organizing into your schedule. Whether you choose to binge your favorite film series or opt to watch something that neither of you has seen before, the choice is entirely down to you! Get your comfiest blankets and favorite snacks and cuddle up together on the sofa. With a portable movie projector, you can transform your living room into a cozy home theater, enjoying a cinematic experience without the hassle of going out. The portability of the projector from “Piqo” allows you to set it up anywhere, from the living room to the backyard, perfect for those spontaneous movie nights under the stars. 

Furthermore, you aren’t just restricted to watching a movie in your lounge either. If you are lucky enough to have a sizeable garden or have access to a secluded outdoor area, consider investing in a projector and taking your date night to the great outdoors. Watching your favorite film under the stars while snuggled up to your other half; it just can’t be beaten! 

  1. Cook or Bake Off: While this might not be the first thing that couples think of when wanting to organize an at-home date night, it is certainly one that can cause a lot of excitement and fun. Deciding on a theme for the evening is the best place to start; establish whether you will choose a country or a more specific region within your country of choice. From here, you can determine the ingredients that you will need to acquire to go head-to-head with each other. Not only will you be able to learn a new recipe for future reference, but you will also be able to have a delicious meal to enjoy at the end of the activity; what is not to like?! 

At the same time, you will want to consider what drinks you are going to choose to accompany your final food dishes. Will you opt for a crisp local beer or from a delicious Bordeaux wine? It can be challenging to narrow the drinks choices down, mainly when there are so many out there! Consult Usual Wine’s guide to Bordeaux wines to determine the best choice for you and save yourself more time to put into your cooking! 

  1. Games Night: This is a bit more a generic term, for it can encompass a wide range of different games. Having a games night with your other half could get quite heated, but in a good way, a healthy bit of competition never hurt anyone! If you have video games, you could opt for an evening of friendly competition using these. For the more traditional couples reading this and beyond, dig out those dusty board games from the attic once more and give them some attention. You are truly spoiled for choice. 

When making plans for your games date night, consider if you would like to invite another couple along for a double date! Inviting your friends’ round will not only take the pressure off the night being perfect but will add to the competitiveness of winning. After all, date nights are meant to be fun, and the more, the merrier! 

  1. Pamper and Spa Evening: This goes out to all our self-care fanatics out there! Having a pamper evening, whether you are in a relationship or not, is something that can provide hours of endless comfort and relaxation. Doing this same activity but with your favorite person in the world? Nothing can come quite close to it. Spend time selecting what products you wish to use in your pamper evening, taking into account any skin conditions that either of you might have. The last thing you want is to aggravate any conditions you have and needing medical treatment. You could even take things up a notch by giving each other a massage, complete with fragrant massage oils and expert techniques. 
  1. Arts and Crafts: Another popular choice for a date night at home, and one we feel confident many have taken part in throughout the pandemic. Sitting down with your other half and getting the art supplies out can be a gratifying activity for you both and does not have to be a solely evening activity either. Whether you choose to paint the same picture and see who does it best or opt to paint something for one another, you are spoiled for choice here as well! 

Being creative in your date night activities is not just restricted to suggestions like these either, which takes us to our final recommendation of this piece.

  1. Home Projects: You read right. This might not be the first thing you consider when planning a date night or day activity at home, but it could bring an element of fun to your day. Particularly if you have a home project that you have put off, what better time to tackle it together than setting aside some time like this! Working together on a project like this will put your communication skills to the test and leave you with a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment when you have the final product complete. Just remember to take some time to breathe and calm down if things get a bit heated! 

We hope you have enjoyed our suggestions on what to consider when planning a date night at home. While these were but a handful of the activities that you could do at home, we hope it has left you inspired with what you can do moving forward. 

Whether you choose to try one of these recommendations, try dinner at the Banks in downtown Cincinnati or opt for a combination of these and others that are out there, we hope you have the most enjoyable evening with your other half! Spending this time together will do you a world of good and keep that all-important spark alive