When faced with relentlessly warm temperatures outdoors, nothing beats taking refuge in a comfortably cool indoor space. Additionally, while air conditioning is nothing short of a modern-day necessity, over-reliance on AC stands to drive up your utility costs exponentially. Although air conditioning should certainly play a role in cooling down your home this summer, it should be one of many cooling solutions as opposed to the only one. Breaking your household’s dependence on AC not only stands to save you a handsome sum in cooling costs, it can also significantly reduce your family’s carbon footprint. So, if budget-friendly cooling solutions are what you’re after, put the following pointers to good use.
Outfit Your Residence with High-Quality Ceiling Fans
No cost-conscious household should be without high-quality ceiling fans. When it comes to budget-friendly cooling aids, you’re unlikely to find anything more effective than a dependable ceiling fan. Plus, ceiling fans can be found and installed easy. Plus, ceiling fans can be found and installed easy. If you are unable to install one yourself, reach out to a reputable company for support.
In addition to being affordable on virtually any budget, good ceiling fans can aid your cooling efforts in two keys ways. First off, they can be used to distribute cool air from your AC system throughout your entire residence – which is one of the many reasons every area of your home should be outfitted with a ceiling fan. This can help take some of the pressure off your AC, thereby reducing your utility costs. Secondly, a ceiling fan whose blades have been set to spin counterclockwise can produce a cooling breeze that flows downward, regardless of whether or not your AC system is running.
You can also find reliable ceiling fans in an extensive array of colors, styles and sizes. Regardless of how large – or small – your home is or how much ceiling space you have to spare, you should have no trouble finding ceiling fans that are uniquely suited to your humble abode. So, if your ceiling is currently lacking in the space department, simply limit your choices to small ceiling fans.
Place Limits on Oven Use
Using your oven can increase the temperature in your kitchen, as well as any rooms in the immediate vicinity. This is particularly true in the case of smaller homes. In the interest of combating this problem, place strict limits on how often you use your oven during the summer and take care to avoid using it during the sun’s peak hours. If completely abstaining from oven use simply isn’t an option for you, at least wait until the sun goes down before turning the oven on. Furthermore, when you do use your oven, make sure to run your kitchen’s exhaust fan. Although people who enjoy cooking may view this as a punishment, limited oven use should be regarded as an opportunity to try your hand at oven-free recipes and step up your game on the grill.
Don’t Treat AC Maintenance as an Afterthought
Like any other large-scale appliance, a good central air conditioning system should be viewed as an investment. In order to get the highest possible return on such an investment, you’ll need to stay on top of AC maintenance. The more consistent you are with maintenance, the longer your system is likely to last – and the longer it lasts, the better your ROI. With this in mind, commit to having your system fully serviced at least once a year. This will help ensure that the system stays clean, worn-down components are promptly replaced and emerging problems are taken care of before they have a chance to become costlier issues.
Minimize Indoor Sunlight
Since excessive sunlight can be a contributing factor to high indoor temperatures, you should take measures to minimize the amount of sun that’s able to find its way into your home during daylight hours. This can be accomplished by keeping curtains, blinds and drapery closed throughout the day. Furthermore, if your home is located in a spot that receives a considerable amount of sun, blackout curtains, shades and screens can be worthwhile – and highly cost-effective – investments.
Brutally hot summer temperatures can put even the most resilient household’s heat tolerance to the test. Although a good central air conditioning system is often crucial to maintaining a comfortably cool residence, treating AC as your only home cooling solution can cost you big bucks throughout the summer – in addition to widening your family’s carbon footprint. Luckily, keeping your home nice and cool without spending a bundle isn’t nearly as difficult as many of us make it look.
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