Children are susceptible to numerous health concerns as their immune systems are still developing, and some health ailments are far more common than others. Every parent must learn how to identify them. It will save you a bit of money and trips to the pediatrician. We have composed a few of the most common health complaints below to help you identify some remedies that might help.

Sore Throat And Remedies
Viral illnesses, such as a cold, flu, or glandular fever, are the most prevalent cause of a sore throat. Bacterial infections are considerably rarer, although still common. Streptococcal infections and ear infections are examples of such. Tonsillitis may cause your child’s painful throat if their tonsils are swollen and inflamed. Mouth ulcers can also cause sore throats.
There are home remedies for sore throat symptoms, and if the symptoms persist longer than a few days, it is best to consult your family doctor. Sip warm beverages, such as teas or warm water with honey to ease sore throat pain at home. Allow your child to consume cold or frozen drinks (such as ice pops), gargle with saltwater, suck on throat lozenges.
Earache And Remedies
Earaches can happen in either the middle or outer ear. A bacterial or viral infection is the most common cause of middle ear earaches. Bacteria can grow in the canals that link the middle ear to the nose. When these tubes get obstructed, the middle ear becomes infected and inflamed. The accumulation of fluid inside the ear puts pressure on the eardrum, causing it to swell and become painful for your child.
Ice packs or warm compresses put on the outer ear can help reduce pain. Over-the-counter ear drops may help relieve the discomfort. Pain medicines, such as ibuprofen, are a good choice. You can use a couple of splashes of heated olive oil and keep your child hydrated with additional water or other fluids.
Stomach Pains And Remedies
Stomach pain in children can be triggered by several common factors, including overeating, the need to use the restroom, or nervousness or stress over an upcoming event. However, if your child complains of stomach aches regularly, medical attention is required. Indigestion, infection or stomach bug, constipation, stress or anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome or functional abdominal pain, and appendicitis are the most prevalent causes of stomach pain in children.
Make sure that your child receives plenty of rest. Encourage your child to consume plenty of clear fluids, such as cooled boiled water or juice. Use a warmed water bottle or a heated wheat bag on your child’s abdomen, or give them a warm bath. If your child is in pain or unhappy, you can use paracetamol. Remember that doses for children are frequently different from those for adults, so double-check the package for the correct dose.
Diarrhea And Remedies
When children experience diarrhoea, it’s usually “acute,” meaning it lasts a few days to a week. Infections, whether viral, bacterial, or parasitic, are the most prevalent cause of acute diarrhoea. Diarrhoea in children can be caused by various factors, including food allergies, lactose intolerance, and infection. Excessive sugar or artificial sweetener use and certain antibacterial drugs, Chronic diarrhoea is less prevalent and lasts for more than 2-4 weeks. It, too, can be caused by a bacterial, viral, or parasitic infection.
In most cases, medicine is not required to treat diarrhoea in children. Acute infectious diarrhoea will stop once the body has cleared up the infection. There is no single food, drink, or home remedy that may cure your child’s upset tummy. Supportive care is the most effective treatment for your child’s tummy. Focus on keeping your child hydrated to alleviate the symptoms. Diarrhoea causes the body to lose salts and electrolytes; it’s critical to keep your child hydrated and avoid juice and other sugary liquids.
Blocked Nose And Remedies
Sniffling and sneezing are normal for young children. However, for some children, the stuffy nose never seems to go away. There are several probable causes, and seeking an appropriate remedy will ultimately provide your child with some relief. The most common cause of stuffy noses is allergies.
To loosen up dried mucus, use salt water nasal spray or drops, followed by urging your child to blow their nose or sucking the liquid from the nose with a bulb syringe. Warm water will suffice if you do not have nose spray or drops. Allergy medication is also a quick fix for the problem.
Always remember to never leave these symptoms for too long. After about three days, see your child’s paediatrician if your child’s symptoms are the same or worse.
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