Many women dream about beautiful curly hair, but not all of them understand that curls require a lot of attention. For example, taming frizzy hair can be a real challenge when it rains. Also, let’s not forget about unpredictable hairstyles in the mornings.

Taking care of curly hair is more complicated and demanding than you might have thought. However, everything is possible with the right hair care routine (even waking up with gorgeous hair every morning!). Are you ready to make everyone jealous? If yes, check these simple tips below:

How To Cut Your Curly Hair?

You should not try to cut your curly hair at home unless you are a hairdresser yourself. Your curls deserve a touch of professional! If you want to look your best, ask your stylist to cut your hair in layers. This way, you will get even more volume in your hair!

Texturizing hair with scissors can add more movement and help you forget about the brush. 

But don’t go too far with texturizing – if you remove too much weight, your hair might get too frizzy!

Other than that, remember to trim your curls every two months. If you see that your curls begin to knot, run to the beauty salon right away!

How To Wash Your Curls?

Firstly, choose the right shampoo and conditioner. It would be best to use products without toxic chemicals, alcohol, and parabens. Search for shampoos with natural ingredients like jojoba oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, aloe vera, or shea butter. If your hair gets dirty easily, use clarifying shampoo once a week or every two weeks.

Over-cleansing is one of the most popular mistakes in curly hair care routine. It might come as a surprise, but you don’t need to use shampoo every time you want to wash your hair. Curly hair tends to dry quickly, and over-shampooing dries out your hair even more. 

Also, try rinsing the conditioner with cold water. It might be an unpleasant experience, but you will love the final effect! With this simple trick, you can keep your hair moisturized. Be careful, though. Cold water can also flatten your hair. If you don’t have as much volume as you want, it’s better not to use this trick.

How To Moisturize Your Curls?

Curls need additional moisture as they get dry quickly, so never skip a conditioner when washing your hair. Don’t apply too much of it, as it might weigh your hair down. Also, it’s recommended not to keep conditioner for too long as it might make your hair lose precious volume. 

If you want to moisturize your curls in no time, consider using a hair mask. There is one thing you can do to see even better results. Put a plastic bag over your head so that all ingredients in the hair mark soak in faster.

How To Dry Your Curly Hair?

Drying your hair with a towel isn’t the best idea, especially before going to bed. It will only make your hair a frizzy nightmare. Right after shower, you can use a silk scarf or cotton t-shirt to dry your hair gently.

Also, consider using a diffuser more often. It would be best if you use cold air to style your hair. To do so, set your dryer’s power on medium. It takes longer, but patience is vital for perfect curls. Use a heat protection serum before you start styling your hair to make sure the temperature won’t damage your hair.

If you want to avoid the sticky feeling when you apply a lot of moisturizer and style your hair, use the styling gel. 

How To Brush Your Curls?

When your hairstyle is ready, remember the golden rule – never brush your hair when it’s dry! You can brush it under the shower while applying conditioner and shampoo to detangle it gently. If you want to get rid of the stickiness after washing, simply run your fingers through your hair.

Final Thoughts

If you are tired of your curls, it means that you need to improve your hair care routine. Sometimes it’s a matter of trial and error. For instance, some girls prefer to wash their hair every three days, others just once a week. Experiment, and see what works best for you.

The final effect is always worth the struggle. The tips listed above should help you take care of your curly hair, you’ll be surprised with the result. Be proud of your curls, girl!