Let’s call a spade a spade. As moms handling day to day life with our kids, one of the hardest things to juggle is managing our own mothers as they become less independent, increasingly frail, or ill. Shifting roles from being the one who is cared for to the caregiver can be exceptionally difficult to navigate. Among the most common ailments for this age group are osteoporosis, diabetes, falls, and urinary tract infections (UTIs) or cystitis. Of this list, UTIs are especially important to be aware of as they are one of the most common infections that women over age 60 experience, but are not properly treated for.
As women age, they become more susceptible to this type of infection due to post-menopausal changes in hormones and a weakened immune system. What’s worse is that they typically do not have the symptomatic “alarm bells” that younger women get such as the burning sensation, or the pressure and pain in their lower abdomen. So, the infection often goes undiagnosed and untreated for too long, leading to complications, such as kidney damage and blood poisoning.
Caring For Ourselves
It’s also important to be aware of “antibiotic resistance”, which younger women are experiencing more and more frequently. 49 million women get a UTI every year, and 1 out of 3 (15 million) of them will be back in the doctor’s office again, month after month, because the antibiotics are no longer working (due to overuse!)
The medical community has acknowledged that antibiotics are no longer “the silver bullets” that they used to be, when one dose immediately cleared up this type of infection. Because antibiotics have been overprescribed, the E. Coli bacteria causing these infections have learned how to hide, grow and emerge again, once the antibiotics are no longer present—causing a recurrence. These younger women and mothers are often then living with chronic UTIs.
Fed up with a lack of attention from their doctors, these women have joined discussion groups and UTI forums over the past several years and have begun sharing information about alternatives to antibiotics.
One of these is an all-natural supplement known as D-Mannose, which has been helping women of all ages recover from the burdensome symptoms of burning urination and pelvic pain. This supplement, a powder extracted from fruits, has become so popular, that women are now introducing it to their urologists and gynecologists—and doctors are now recommending it to their patients when antibiotics have failed.
What does this mean for your mother (or yourself)? When mixed with water this powder sends molecules directly to the bladder to quickly catch and flush out the E. Coli bacteria that are floating around. So, taking it every 2-3 hours for the first few days will eliminate “active” UTI symptoms. And, a daily dose of D-Mannose will keep the bladder clear on an ongoing basis.
And for the older mother in your life, adding test strips to the daily D-Mannose routine will allow both of you to feel confident that she is not at risk of developing another UTI.
It’s a relief then to know that these types of alternatives to strong antibiotics are now available. And, based on the testimonials of thousands of users across the US, supplements are helping mothers of all ages avoid these painful situations.
Wow! Marysa, such an informative post regarding antibiotics. Yes, it so important that we take care of ourselves and our moms.
While managing the house and family moms often forget about themselves. It’s our duty to take care of their health.