We have been meaning to hike the Plotter Kill Preserve for years! This is a well-known hike in the Capital Region, and it was only a matter of time before hiked there.
It is easy to find the preserve. There are several trailheads, but someone recommended the Mariaville Road trailhead, which is closest to the waterfalls.
There is a large sign along the road, which made it easy to spot the parking lot.
I was impressed at the size of the parking lot here.

I tried finding an official trail map for this preserve, but I could not seem to find an official map provided by the county.
The first section of the trail by the large falls is very wide and makes for an easy walk.

There are many warning signs here. I had heard of incidents happening at the Plotterkill Preserve, so I can see why there are so many warnings and barriers.

The Upper Falls is not far from the Mariaville Road parking lot. We were there in April, so there was plenty of water going over the falls.

Not far from the falls, there is an overlook.

After viewing the Upper Falls from this side, we backtracked a little down the trail so that we could access the trails on the other side of the falls. Here, we took the bridge to the red trail.

The trails on this side are different, and more like what I consider a typical hiking trail. They are also very well traveled, as you can see from this part of the trail that is covered in roots.

Here, you can view the Upper Falls from the top, and also walk down to the creek below.

Signs warn you not to approach the top of the falls, which have unfortunately been a place where people have slipped and fallen over the falls.

As far as the rest of the red trail, it meandered through the woods. Despite trail maps along the way, it was difficult to decipher the maps and figure out where to go.

The maps at the preserve were not particularly helpful, especially when the map doesn’t even show a red trail (and I can only assume the orange shown is actually supposed to be red). I always try to do my research before doing a trail, and it seems like most people have the same issue if they head out more than a half mile or so on the red trail.

We mostly ended up taking trails along the streams here.

There were lots of spots that seem like they would make for a nice place for a picnic during warmer weather.

There are lots of mini waterfalls that we enjoyed seeing as well.

We saw some other spring flowers like this trout lily.

We found ourselves having to look for the red trail a couple of times.

Overall, we enjoyed this hike and finally checking out the waterfalls here.
Check out our other Capital Region Hikes HERE.

About the Author: Marysa
Busy blogger and mom of two girls. We love traveling and the great outdoors, and are always looking for our next adventure! If you have any travel questions, contact me! marysa@anationofmoms.com
So beautiful! I want to hike there! And what kind of tree is that was the crazy peeling bark? It looks so cool!
What a fun place to go to and explore nature. I love how serene and peaceful it looks. And just wow, to all the waterfalls. I love, love, love waterfalls! Definitely on my list to visit.
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
I live in a similar area and this makes me want to get out and hike! I loved the root covered trail. I’ve heard about Schenectady in movies but didn’t know anything about the area till this post! It looks so pretty there.
The trail looks gorgeous! I could get lost in my own home, so I would probably be in trouble with their map.
What a gorgeous place to hike!
Such a beautiful place to get out and experience nature to its fullest! The bridge to the read tail looks like so much fun!
This looks like a beautiful trail!
I love chasing waterfalls! Beautiful sights on this hike! Thanks for sharing!
That trail is one of the nicest I have seen you promote. I love the waterfalls and overlooks and a flower along the way
I would love this hike. There’s so many gorgeous spots here. My daughter would want to go for photos.
The trails look awesome and that waterfall, however with a name like that I’d definitely be in a group! lol
Ahh, the falls are beautiful! I love going on hiking trails because of all the natural beauty.
These trails look so beautiful! I miss these in SC, we have to worry about scary snakes and spiders here.
Nice place, I wished we had a place like that nearby so I can go for a hiking too.
It’s nice to know about this place, I’ll go hike here with my friends sometime.
Hiking is our hobby and especially during summertime we hike a lot. This looks like a wonderful place to hike!
Such a lot of good spots there to hike. I wish to be there one day.
This looks like a beautiful hike spot. I hope they can improve on the trail though
Looks like a great place for a hike. My family and I love going on hikes a lot. A great way to get exercise and be outdoors.
What a beautiful place for communing with nature. I like that you can take your family here for a stroll.
That waterfall is gorgeous!!! I also love trails with tall trees. What a beautiful place to visit.
These are really beautiful trail. This post remember me about my trip in West virgina. That fall is really beautiful.
That waterfall is beautiful. We have a few around here too and we’ve seen a few before.
I love a good hike! I’m a member of a few hiking groups in Meetup.com and your post has convinced me to check my app, see what hikes are scheduled for this weekend
So fun. I love finding great new trails for hiking. Lovely photos, thanks for sharing your trip!
Looks like a great hiking place! I really need to get into hiking soon and rekindle with nature again.
Plotter Kill Preserve looks so beautiful and so unique. I love the waterfalls and all those visible roots. Super neat!
Looks like a great hike. I have never been to Schenectady, but going to add Plotter Kill Preserve to my list.
Nnniiiiccceeeee,,,this is just the kind of environment I like, Marysa….especially, the area of the water-falls! I’d like to be here someday.
It’s good that you were advised to go on the trail closest to the waterfalls. They do look amazing, I can’t imagine how much better it is to go and do the trail and see all of this in person.
Hiking is always fun to do! One of my stress reliever! I definitely love this place. Sooooo beautiful
Oh, this place is just beautiful and the waterfall is amazing. My husband would enjoy a hike here too and take many pictures.
This place offers a great opportunity for hiking! I love the place and the trails are easy but with beautiful sights.
WOW! WHat a great hiking spot! Looks tough but fun!
this looks so beautiful.. i will share this with friends who live around the area and keep it in mind for a future trip to the state