Study, study and study again. The fact that in the modern world there is nowhere without knowledge – neither work, nor live, nor go to the store, nor start playing at the casino and receive the National Casino CA sign bonus, you have already understood the hard way. Now I want to put it into the child’s head, which is not so easy even in theory, let alone in practice. That is why we have selected for you 8 vital tips on how to teach your child to learn – take it on board and go to knowledge!

school work homework child math

1. The importance of the parental example 

According to statistics, people on average read only 5 books a year. Do you like to read? Interested in the daily news and what’s happening in the world around you? To convey a true love of learning, you need to be an example of that love. Therefore, as adults, we must first challenge ourselves and become “eternal students” with pride and humility.

2. Secrets of Cognition 

Every day is a lesson in life, at any age, unless of course, you consider yourself too old or experienced. Keeping asking questions, showing curiosity, and developing open-mindedness is a resource that can make you better, more active, and wiser.

3. The Importance of Space 

You can study anywhere, but actually finding peace of mind helps you focus. If the home allows it, it will be helpful to highlight a corner with bookshelves and a large table that can accommodate all of the child’s creative activities. Hang a planisphere or an ordinary map of the world on the wall – this will help you to delve into geography creatively and with interest. But it is better to turn off the computer and the TV or even remove it altogether – they distract the child who is not yet able to concentrate

4. Calm and Concentration 

A quiet environment helps to concentrate both of you. True calmness, however, is the ability to create a serene atmosphere, without screaming and constant distractions. It is important to keep in mind that learning is a new adventure for a young school child. He may waste a lot of time or be too slow – this is normal. In such cases, you do not need to annoy yourself or him. Do not push your child, do not speed up his pace – rushing does not help to work better.

5. Organization of the Learning Process 

Time spent on homework should be organized consciously. Therefore, it is important to establish a beginning and an end and try to minimize distractions. Organize a relaxing moment right after lunch. When a child gets tired, and at first he gets tired very often, he cannot think coherently. As experts explain, a break is necessary for everyone – both children and adults.

6. Methods for Effective Learning 

Reading, underlining, and using bright bullet points to highlight key concepts help in learning. But! The page should not be completely colored, otherwise the meaning of the highlighting will be lost. What does the text say? Generalizing concepts as if we were telling them to someone improves understanding and how we express ourselves. Explain all this to your child – then it will be easier for him both in high school and at university.

7. The Importance of One’s Own Opinion 

It is not necessary to memorize by heart; the real goal is to get an idea of ​​the material so that you know how to use it at the right time, ask questions, and be critical. Be sure to talk about critical thinking: let the child not be afraid to go beyond the rules, to question the thoughts of others. Defending your own opinion, while listening to the opinions of others, is very important to value your own experience and the experience of others.

8. Self-reliance 

While he is busy with his homework, what are you doing? Except in situations with younger children who may need help reading and understanding the exercises, you might want to step aside. To become more independent, a child needs to learn to act alone, make mistakes, find his own solution. It doesn’t matter what grade he gets and how many mistakes he makes. The main goal is to make it clear to the child that the truth is learned only through their own trial and error.

Finally, the most important piece of advice is to communicate with your child. Explain, show examples, travel, ask his opinion – then he himself will want to sit down for lessons.