Finding out that a loved one is addicted to any drug, including alcohol, is a difficult discovery. Once you realize this, your primary thought might be doing what you can to help them get sober.
If you’re in this position, one of the most important things for you to remember is that you can’t force an addict to get clean. They have to want it on their own or they aren’t going to put in the work that it takes to get sober and stay that way.

Where Can Your Loved One Get Help?
Because so many drugs are associated with strong withdrawal symptoms, it’s often best for them to get help at a detox facility. This enables them to have the professional support of a staff that’s experienced in these matters. In some cases, simply making it through the detox phase is all it takes to encourage them to work harder to continue on with the program.
There are different types of rehab programs, so you should explore these to determine what might be best for your loved one. Many people start out with inpatient rehab so they can have the intense help they need. They may then move to community-based programs.
How Should You Approach Them?
It’s usually best to approach them carefully with your offer to help them get sober. If you try to pressure them, they might shut down. This could push them away from getting the help that they need.
In severe cases, an intervention might be necessary. If you’re considering this, you need to contact the facility where your loved one will go so they can work with you on getting them the swift care they’re going to need. You may also need to contact someone local to you so that you can have a professional there to help you.
Besides being there for your loved ones when they’re going into rehab, you also need to plan for how you can help them once they get out. This could be as involved as having them live with you, but some people might only need to know that they can call you if things get too tough. You can also offer them support by hosting alcohol-free gatherings.
What Should You Remember When You Talk to Your Loved One?
There’s a chance that your loved one will lash out at you when you try to discuss their addiction. Remember that this the addiction talking. They’re probably frustrated. Plus, the drugs may cause them to have mood swings.
Because of this, you shouldn’t take it personally if they do lash out. This can be a difficult situation, especially if you’re emotions are already peaked. It might help you to have a discussion with your loved one with another individual who can help to support you. When you’re deciding who to ask to do this, remember that you need someone who isn’t going to judge your loved one. An addict who feels as though they’re being judged may shut down completely, which could mean they don’t get the help they need.
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