For many couples, having a healthy relationship is key to ensuring a lifetime of commitment. However, this relationship would only become lifelong if both you and your partner can dedicate yourself to good physical and mental health. This can pave the way to the success of the relationship. A recent study in the U.K. found that couples that share the same goal of removing unhealthy practices in their lives have more success. Here are a few ways to get your partner on board healthy practices.

- Never Force Your Partner
While you may see a need for your partner to quit smoking or start working out, you cannot force it on them. Doing so could make them reject the idea even more if they are uncomfortable with what you are proposing. For example, you cannot force your partner to go jogging if they believe it is beyond their comfort zone. Getting healthy together does not mean enjoying the same things. Couples can have different ideas of what health and fitness mean to them, and it is perfectly acceptable.
- Be Clear on Your Fitness Goals
Couples need to communicate their fitness goals to their partners. There may be some instances where your partner may be verbally encouraging you to stay healthy but has actions that contradict those words. When this happens, it may be challenging to stay on track. As with any relationship, open communication should be present. Let your partner know that while you may appreciate the care and thoughtfulness, you are set on achieving your goals. This way, there is a better understanding of your needs. Before you know it, they could be the ones to initiate fitness regimens.
- Manage Your Expectations
If both of you started a healthy lifestyle at the same time, you both have to learn how to manage your expectations. There will be times when your partner may be losing more weight or have noticeable improvements in their overall health. Don’t let this discourage you. Your progress may be taking longer, but it does not mean that you are working less towards your goal.
- Respect Your Partner
People deal with different emotions, and you cannot always expect your partner to be in the mood for a workout. There may be days when they feel lousy. Continue to encourage them, but you also have to know your limits. Learn when you should give your partner some time off. Respect their feelings and compromise. There may be times when you need to slow down and stay cozy under a weighted blanket while talking about what else you want to achieve together.
- Focus On the Benefits
One way of helping you stick to your health goals is by focusing on the benefits that you and your partner will receive. At first, it is understandable if you are focused on keeping track of your weight and waistline. The problem with this is that some people will experience a plateau on these measurements. This plateau makes you think that what you are doing is no longer useful, which could lead to you abandoning a healthy lifestyle. Instead, think about the health benefits that you are getting beyond the numbers. Increased energy, mobility, and overall health are more important than the number on the scale.
- Keep It Positive
If you consider your shift to a healthy lifestyle as enriching and nourishing to your relationship as partners, it will be easier to maintain it. Being too focused on fitness may become a toxic aspect to your relationship if not managed properly. Instead, keep things positive and view exercise as one of the many activities you do as a couple.
These are just a few of what you can do as a couple to stay healthy. Talk it out with your partner and make sure that you are on the same page about your health goals. Start with easy fitness regimens like hiking or trekking.
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