Thankfully, most of us don’t remember how it felt when our first teeth grew in. We may recall the discomfort of our wisdom teeth erupting, but the sensation of all our baby teeth coming in? It happened at such a young age that we can hardly remember it.
But you’ll be reminded of it once it happens to your child.

The term “eruption” is used to describe when a tooth breaks through the gums. It’s an apt description of the symptoms that follow: swollen gums, jaw pain, and even fever-like temperatures. Growing teeth is by no means a painless experience. Try to offer your child a cold Popsicle or glass of water to alleviate this discomfort. Teething toys are also very helpful.
Here’s what to expect when your child’s baby teeth come in:
At What Age Do The First Teeth Erupt?
Your newborn has a mouthful of pink gums. If you look closely, you may be able to see the outline of teeth within the gums.
Most children get their first tooth around 6 months of age. However, don’t be concerned if they appear slightly earlier or later than this date—everyone’s different! The first teeth to erupt are usually on the bottom row of the mouth, at the front. From there, the top front teeth start coming in.
It’s recommended that you take your child to the dentist after the eruption of the first tooth. Your dentist can give you advice on how to take care of your child’s teeth and help them cope with teething.
What if your child gets a cavity on their baby tooth? Some parents neglect to take care of it since they know this tooth will fall out. However, this can impact the health of the next tooth to grow in. If the gums aren’t healthy enough to support permanent teeth, this can lead to serious problems for your child. That’s why it’s important to seek dental care for any cavity, even ones on baby teeth.
When They Fall Out
Your child is wiggling their loose tooth with their tongue, but no matter what they do, it won’t come out. You’re tempted to tie a string to it and attach it to a doorknob—but is it time for your child to lose their tooth?
There’s no need to force out a loose tooth. It can take up to a month or two for a loose tooth to come out naturally. Think about it: if you pull it out before it is ready, your child will have to deal with a gap in their mouth for longer!
Most children lose their first tooth at 6 years of age. This might be delayed for up to a year, but if you become concerned, you can always take your child for a visit to the dentist. The two front teeth are usually the first to go (which may have inspired the song “All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth”).
Your child might be concerned when they get their first loose tooth. Reassure them that another will grow back in due time!
How do you convince your child that gaining and losing teeth isn’t all bad? You can tell them about the tooth fairy. Give your child a few tooth fairy tips—for example, they pay more money for teeth without cavities. Tips like these will encourage them to take better care of their oral hygiene.
As we all know, we develop two sets of teeth over our lives: our “baby teeth” (sometimes referred to as primary or milk teeth) and our permanent, adult teeth. Once your child’s permanent teeth come in, it’s important to remember that these are the last teeth they’ll get. Since they’re meant to last the rest of their lives, it’s crucial to take good care of them!

When Do Permanent Teeth Grow In?
Your child has been dealing with a gap in their smile for months—when should you expect their adult teeth to start emerging?
It can take up to 7 months for a permanent tooth to take the place of a lost baby tooth. Certain issues can delay the growth of adult teeth, including a lack of space, nutritional deficiencies, and if the tooth is impacted. Bring up any of these concerns with your child’s dentist if there is an issue.
Many parents keep their child’s first tooth as a keepsake. It’s a memento for a pivotal moment in their development. Before you know it, they’ll have two rows of permanent teeth, and teething will be a thing of the past.
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