The holidays can often mean a lot of behavior that isn’t always eco-friendly. There is often a lot of extra waste, utilities and more. Going eco-friendly is a great way to help the planet, but also help your community and your wallet.
Shop local and support local businesses
Shopping local is wonderful in so many ways. It supports local businesses, and gives back into your community. It cuts down on things like driving to stores, and in choosing locally sourced items, you know that fossil fuels weren’t used to get those products to you from across the world.
Being a locavore is a great way to be eco-friendly year-round. It is great to shop for local products, but also local foods. We love buying local produce when we can. And while that can be tough in the wintertime, we still try to buy local food items like honey, applesauce, baked items, and so on. Foods also make for great gifts, versus some other material items.

Use eco-friendly wrapping
Reduce the use of one-time wrapping paper, or find more eco-friendly wrapping paper. You can look for paper with a high recycled content.
You can also get creative wrapping gifts with things like cloth or bags, and using natural items to decorate with, like cut greens or twine.
We also like to save things like gift bags and bows, which we reuse any time they are still in good shape. You can reuse ones from previous years, or be sure to save some for future years. You can also make your own gift bags with recycled materials.

Gift eco-friendly items
There are so many great eco-friendly gifts out there that are perfect for giving. There are endless choices, from eco-friendly soaps, sustainably made clothing and jewelry, and much more. You can also gift things that help people to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle, such as a compost bin, reusable bags, canning supplies, glass water bottles, bird houses, native seeds or plants, local honey, recycled or upcycled items, etc.

Natural crafts and baking
Try some eco-friendly crafts and baking! You can make garlands with popcorn and berries or dried oranges. Make orange pomanders with oranges and whole cloves, instead of buying synthetic fragrances. Bake cinnamon ornaments. Make your own mulling spices instead of buying premade. The possibilities are endless!
Buy fewer material gifts
We have started giving more gifts that are experiences, gift cards, and foods. Instead of there being heaps of packaging and stuff everywhere, we have noticeably less “stuff”, which is better for the environment.

Consider energy Savings
In the cool winter months, be aware of your energy consumption. Even turning down the thermostat a few degrees can save heating energy and reduce your bills. It helps to get a programmable thermostat, so that you can create a schedule for maximum efficiency.
Switch to LED lights
This goes for both indoors and out. While you are switching over, be aware that you can bring your holiday lights to stores like Lowes to recycle your old string lights. LED lights save lots of energy and are much more efficient compared to old lights.
Be less wasteful when entertaining guests
Throwing holiday parties and entertaining can mean a lot of waste. It can help to plan ahead and think about things like buying in bulk, reducing use of things like disposable cups or plates, and so on. We also try not to use things like balloons or disposable tablecloths. While washing cloth napkins and tablecloths can be a little bit of work, going paperless is a great way to help the environment. Don’t forget to clean with cloth rags as well!
Compost food waste
Just because it is winter, doesn’t mean you can’t compost! I keep an indoor compost crock under the sink, and continually fill my outside compost bin with it. By spring there is so much great organic material in there, the compost turns a lot faster than if it only had a little in it.
And don’t forget to shop with your reusable bags!
You have come up with these great tips to make this holiday ecofriendly.
Love this! I even like to wrap presents (especially for babies) in blankets!
I totally love this and appreciate all the shared ideas.
I enjoy wrapping gifts. Never thought to focus on more eco-friendly options. Thanks for the pointers.
These are fantastic ideas! I never thought of using packing paper to wrap gifts. That is genius!
These are really great ideas! I would really try these in addition to the handmade gifts I always offer to my friends. Thanks for sharing.
I love the wrapping tips! This is so unique and sustainable! I can’t wait to try it next holidays!
I always take the initiative to be as eco-friendly as possible over the holidays. I love these extra tips I can follow!
There’s no good reason why we shouldn’t be more conscious about our consumer behaviour and habits. Small changes in our lifestyle can honestly go a long way. It was really nice reading your tips. Keep it up!
I love all of these eco friendly holiday ideas.
These are some great ideas! This year I have decided to support small and local businesses and switch to eco-friendly options to save our planet.
We need to be all more conscious about the environment, specially since Covid-19 has brought back double of the plastic use we already had in 2019. That´s why I´ve always wrapped my gifts with newspaper and told my friends and family that I´d rather have them share or invite me for an experience together than buy me something!
If you haven’t asked your friends on social media about their own favorite sustainable brands, put it on your to-do for after you read and pin this post. That’s how I found out about natural and organic oral care brand Terra & Co, which is run by two sisters on a mission to create natural, non-toxic and cruelty-free products. Their story is impressive—from their beginnings amidst war in Bosnia to managing beauty startups in LA to building a company while living on opposite coasts (NYC and LA) and now having products sold in coveted stores across the US. If eco friendly dental floss and oral care products (besides the bamboo brush) aren’t already on your zero waste shopping list, we’re pretty confident they will be after hearing Azra’s story.
I just decided that this Christmas is going to be an ecofriendly Christmas for my family. These are all very interesting ideas and I’m definitely doing most of these. Thanks for sharing!
Wow! These are all really great and amazing ideas! I really love this post !
This is such a really amazing post! I really love all of the ideas you have here!
This post comes at the right time. Both my daughters are big on eco-friendly stuff. I will share with them.
Love these ideas! I agree with you that we should me more responsible and opt for more eco-friendly choices. Will make sure to buy fewer materials gifts. Personally, I prefer experiences to give nowadays.
I use eco-friendly wrappers during Christmas. I like it personalized too. It’s all about sustainability.
Great Ideas! I think the past 2 years has shown us to be more eco-friendly more than ever.🍕👜👓🏨😊