If you enjoy watching your garden thrive, Fall is the perfect time to perform maintenance tasks on your trees, shrubs, flowers and lawn. If you take great care of your garden during the Fall, it will flourish in the Spring. To discover a few invaluable Fall specific landscaping tips, see our tips below.
Rid Your Lawn of Dead Leaves
Use a rake to get rid of any stray leaves which may fall on your lawn, as wet leaves can damage your lawn.
Aerate Your Lawn
If you notice that rain starts to pool on sections of your lawn, it’s essential to aerate your lawn so that water and nutrients can reach your lawn’s roots. If you have a small lawn, you can get away with using a garden fork type tool to aerate your lawn.
However, if you have a spacious lawn, it is a wise idea to hire a professional aerator or to hire a lawn service company to aerate your lawn for you.
Prune Your Trees
Fall is the ideal time to prune your trees, as it’s easier to identify unhealthy branches which need to be removed for the overall health of your trees. Furthermore if you prune your trees in fall, you won’t damage s trees future buds and new growth won’t be adversely effected.
There are a few key benefits of pruning your trees in fall, you’ll prevent your trees from developing diseases and decaying and pruned trees are far more resistant to severe whether, such as torrential rain and strong winds. You may want to leave this to the professionals.
Water Your Trees Consistently
Once your trees leaves have started withering, it’s the perfect time to give your trees one last deep watering session before turning your outdoor water off for the rest of the season.
Prune Your Perennials
In order to ensure that your perennials bloom in the Spring, make sure you prune your perennials close to the ground.
Consider Planting Trees
Late Fall is the perfect time to plant new trees as Fall soil will help newly planted trees thrive, and Fall temperatures are temperate, which will encourage healthy growth. You will want to plant trees well before frost to allow for the tree to get roots in the ground and become established before the ground freezes.
If you have some dangerous trees in your landscape, it’s important to hire a tree removal company to safely get them removed before Winter wind and rain make the situation more dangerous.
Use Slow Release Fertilizer
To prepare your trees and shrubs from damage during the cold Winter months, it’s a wise idea to use slow release fertilizer in order to prepare your trees and shrubs for Winter. Slow release fertilizer will prevent your trees and shrubs from contracting diseases and will help your trees and shrubs remain resilient against pests and adverse weather.
Pull Weeds That Have Grown In
You may not be aware that if you make the effort to pull out weeds during the Fall, you’ll have fewer weeds to contend with next season.
So if you’re ready to spend some time in your garden this Fall, , simply follow all of the invaluable fall landscaping tips which have been outlined above to help prepare your yard and gardens for spring. This is important if you want to give your garden a high chance of surviving the cold Winter months.
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