After Google, the most sought-after search engine on the web is YouTube. It also the most popular, especially among youths. Every day millions of contents are created on this platform. With a robust direct and affiliate marketing by the channel creators and marketers, there is a huge opportunity to make money online.
The scope of making money through increased viewership, subscriptions, and advertisement revenues has prompted many creators of YouTube channels to want a faster response and therefore willing to pay for more views and get maximum likes of their video content.

It is an open secret that musicians, actors, and celebrities are known to buy YouTube likes, views, and subscribers. This is a part of their PR exercise as it helps them to make their video release go viral and become a hit among its followers.
Similarly, nowadays even small content creators like individuals, small businesses, or even multinationals take the help of service providers and buy YouTube likes to boost their channel performance.
YouTube is an extremely versatile social media medium that allows channel owners to not only communicate with its followers and subscribers but also to market and brand its product and services. The old and traditional method of print advertisement has massively given way to an alternate medium since the last decade and that is the internet. Social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ensure instant response and feedback from its viewers and subscribers through the like and dislike button. Viewers click on the like button to communicate that they are happy and satisfied with what they have viewed on the channel.
Why are likes important on YouTube?
Likes are like cheering or clapping for a wonderful performance. It is also an indicator of how good or bad the content on your YouTube channel is. Viewers and subscribers who along with their likes and dislikes also give comments on a particular upload. If you have a YouTube channel which is personal and meant for friends and family only, then it becomes immaterial on the number of likes you get. But if you want to reach out to a wider audience and make your content public, then to get even a fraction of viewers from millions of YouTube users’ needs quality content. Common public perception is that more “likes” on a particular video means that the content is good.
How to increase likes on your YouTube content?
One needs a plan and ideas on how to increase the viewership and subsequently get “likes “organically. The other option and faster one is of course to buy YouTube like from service providers. Buying likes from genuine third-party vendors help in making your video having a huge number of likes in a short span and helps in image building. With the likes are higher in number, a video may appear popular and have a good chance of ranking high on the YouTube list with the help of YouTube algorithm. This algorithm is similar to Google algorithm which gives ranking to well-liked video higher up and appears on the front page when recommending related content.
When billions of videos are watched every day, and if you happen to be owner of a small business, then it is not easy to get viewership in face of high competition. Therefore, if you want your channels to be viewed, liked, and subscribed, then here few things you must do to get going.
- Title and Description
If you want to attract and create a first impression, then ensure a short and crisp title which include the main keyword and gives an introduction of the video content. When viewers have so many choices on YouTube and their attention span lasting only a few seconds before they move on to the next video, it is imperative to have a relevant Title so that viewers decide to watch it. Also, starting with a catchy description is a must because only the first few lines are visible in the search option. Include keywords in the middle and the link towards the end that will allow the users to click and get more information in case you have other social media accounts on Facebook or Instagram or a company website.
- Promote on other Social media Platform
You can create a short clip from your YouTube channel and post it on other social media platforms and add a link. This will widen the reach to more audiences and in turn, allow for more viewership and “likes” on the Youtube channel.
- Interact with your viewers
Simply making a video and uploading it is not enough. Ensure to have an interactive end where you can ask viewers for their views and request for likes and subscriptions. Most viewers do respond and some are also critical. Ensure that you reply to their comments and take corrective actions. Engaging in conversations with your viewers encourages more engagement, improves your channel credibility, and can translate to more traffic to your channel. More “likes “translate to more subscribers and more sales.
- Use of Thumbnails and Hashtags
Viewers notice thumbnails first. Customize the thumbnail into an attractive one as 90% of the most viewed videos have customized thumbnails. Also, ensure to include hashtags that are relevant to your video. Hashtags allow a video to be searched easily.
- Use of playlists and analytics
An online audience’s attention span lasts a few seconds. If the content is not interesting then they switch to another one. However, if they do watch your video until the end, then they will surely be interested in watching similar videos. Making a playlist of related videos helps in keeping them engaged. After doing all the right things for your channel, you may think that you know your audience. Using YouTube analytics however gives some interesting feedbacks and shocks which is valuable. It tells whether your strategy is on course or off the mark, thus allowing for course correction.
As a content creator, channel owner, or Marketeer, if you want your videos to stay right on top, then you must ensure enough content which is worth watching and generate likes, organically, or by buying it and getting it shared enough on social media platforms.
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