Your doctor may identify moles by looking at the skin. You may choose to make skin examination a regular part of your medical care. Talk to your doctor about a local skin check clinic, about a schedule that’s suitable for you. During a skin exam, your doctor inspects the skin from head to toe. If he suspects that a mole may be cancerous, he may take a tissue sample (biopsy) for microscopic examination.

Most moles do not need any treatment. If the mole is cancerous, the doctor will do a surgical process to remove it. If you have a mole causing irritation when you shave, you may like to have it removed. Mole removal takes a short time and is done on an outpatient basis. Your doctor numbs the area around the mole and cuts it out along with some healthy skin if necessary. The process may leave a permanent scar. If you find that a mole has grown back, visit your doctor promptly.
Preparing For An Appointment
If there is a mole that concerns you, your family doctor can let you know if it is normal or requires further investigation. He may then refer you to a doctor Who specializes in skin disorders for diagnosis and treatment. It is better to arrive for your appointment well prepared.
What You Can Do
- List any changes which you notice, any new symptoms which you experience. Include those that are unrelated to the reason for which you scheduled the appointment.
- Bring the list of all the medications, vitamins, or supplements that you are taking.
- If you have a Melanoma or a mole removed in the past, note the point of the lesion and the date of removal. If you are having the biopsy report, bring it with you.
- Don’t put makeup or opaque nail polish to the appointment. They make it difficult for the doctor to perform a thorough examination.
- Make a list of the questions you want to ask your doctor.
Some Basic Questions To Ask The Doctor Include
- Do you think the mole may be cancerous?
- What is the most appropriate course of action?
- How can I tell if a mole requires to be looked at?
- Can I prevent more moles from developing further?
In addition to the questions that you have listed, don’t hesitate to ask questions during your appointment.
Cosmetic Care
If you are self-conscious about a mole, you can try makeup to help conceal it. If you have hair growth on a mole, you may try clicking it close to the skin surface or blocking it. Or consult your Dermatologist about permanently removing the hair and the mole. Any time you cut or irritate a mole keep the area clean. See your doctor if the mole does not heal.
Moles and skin tags may be unpleasant to look at, but they don’t require medical treatment. If you notice a mole or skin growth changing in shape or multicolor texture or size make an appointment with a Dermatologist to get proper treatment and cure.
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