When you know someone or have a loved one that is dealing with Alzheimer’s it may not always be easy to know what to do for them. While dealing with Alzheimer’s may be difficult, the truth is that there are things that can be done to help make the situation a little easier for everyone involved. If you’re looking for some ways to help someone you know with Alzheimer’s, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Elderly parent

Find the Right Living Situation for Them

One of the most important things you can do for a loved one with Alzheimer’s is help them get into the right kind of living situation. For those with Alzheimer’s living alone may not be an option for very long. They may need to move to an assisted living facility or begin living with a family member to make sure that they are safe and supported at all times. Additionally, making sure they are living somewhere where they can be looked after not only helps ensure their safety but may allow them to be healthier and have a better overall quality of life as well.

Help Them Maintain a Routine

Along with making sure that your loved one is living somewhere where they are safe, you should also do what you can to help them maintain a routine. Because Alzheimer’s can make a person’s mental landscape unpredictable, finding ways to make their day to day life simpler can be highly beneficial, and make them more comfortable as well. No matter what the routine is, by giving them some structure, you can help them to be better oriented and more content on a daily basis.

Prevent Wandering And Getting Lost

Getting lost or wandering away can be a challenge for people with Alzheimer’s and a major concern for their families. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, 6 out of 10 individuals with dementia are likely to wander off occasionally. Experts recommend solutions such as putting up a fence, involving your loved ones in meaningful activities, and buying them a personal alarm for their safety. If the question on your mind is, “which is the best personal alarm for elderly?” consider those with GPS location features to make tracking your loved one easier.

Help Them Stay Healthy

Not only can living situations and routines have an impact on Alzheimer’s, but a person’s overall health can impact the severity of it as well. The better of a diet an Alzheimer’s patient eats, the more their brain health will be supported, which in turn may be able to help reduce some symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Beyond that, keeping active with gentle forms of exercise and getting regular, deep sleep can also be beneficial for brain health and supporting a good mood, both of which can play significant roles in how well Alzheimer’s patients are able to function.

Don’t Get Hung Up on Small Things

While living with or helping a person with Alzheimer’s may not always be easy, it can be important not to get hung up on small issues or to argue with them, even if they seem to be behaving in an unreasonable way. If you ever find yourself in a conflict with a person with Alzheimer’s, the best option is to diffuse the conflict as quickly and gently as you can, as it is often not possible to resolve arguments or conflicts with an Alzheimer’s patient the way you would with someone else.

Some Last Thoughts

When a loved one is struggling with Alzheimer’s, it can take a toll on the whole family, and you may not always know what you should do for them. The reality is, though, that by doing things like helping them find the right living situation, supporting their overall health and reducing conflicts with them, you can help make things a little easier on everyone.