If you are ready to change your life, why not begin with a few small steps. As you incorporate the little routine modifications into your life, you may be surprised at the new sense of well-being you feel. More importantly, your body will become healthier and stronger. Here are six simple ways to improve your health.

1. Diet
The food you put into your body is converted into the elements required to maintain and repair every aspect of your being. If you consistently provide calorie-rich, but vitamin limited food for your muscles to use, the result can be devastating. Malnutrition, mental pauses, and physical problems will often be the consequence. Choosing leafy greens and colorful vegetables instead of fried foods and sugar-rich drinks can add ample vitamins and minerals to your diet.
2. Exercise
You don’t have to jog around the block to get enough exercise every day. Why not park your vehicle further from the office door, take the stairs instead of the elevator, and walk around the office during lunch break? You can also ride a bike with friends or family to enjoy the outdoors while building your strength.
3. Substances
Alcohol and tobacco are both substances that can dramatically alter your mood and have a harmful impact on your health. Try cutting back on your consumption of spirits, and you may be surprised at your new outlook on life. Also, if you smoke, the habit can be difficult to break, but you can do it.
4. Meditation
Modern life can be fast-paced and filled with stress, and most people know from reported studies that stress can have a negative impact on many parts of the body. You can fight stress with a simple daily meditation routine of 10 to 20 minutes. There are guided meditations online, but most people find that they can practice on their own. All you have to do is sit quietly, close your eyes, and empty your mind as your body relaxes. You can feel the stress melt away.
5. Sleep
The human body requires rest to regenerate and restore its energy reserves. Although it is unknown what occurs during the sleep cycle, when a person does not have enough sleep at night, the breakdown of the mental, emotional, and physical body that occurs is well documented. Sleep deprivation can increase appetite, promote stress, alter attention spans, and cause irritability. On the other hand, with ample sleep, researchers found limited stress levels, elevated moods, and lower blood pressure.
6. Relationships
The time you spend with family and friends can increase your enjoyment of life’s moments and reduce your stress levels. You don’t have to spend many hours a day with friends to reap the rewards provided by the relationship. Instead, even short amounts of time spent laughing, talking, and mentally connecting with others has been proven to be critical to a human’s emotional well-being.
Don’t make dozens of changes all at once in your life. Instead, choose one of the strategies above to modify one part. The positive change to your mental, emotional, and physical self will quickly become evident.
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