After a lovely long summer (and far more time at home than most of us are used to), signs of fall are in the air. Leaves are changing color and starting to fall from the trees. The nights are drawing in earlier, and the temperature is beginning to fall. As we cling to these last few days of summer, getting outdoors whenever the sun is shining, trying to make the most of any nice weather that we have left, we know that soon it will be time to pack away the paddling pool and other outdoor toys and start preparing for poor weather conditions. 

If you’ve spent the summer really making the most of your garden, chances are, there are toys everywhere, and it’s a bit of a mess. This is great. It’s evidence of time well spent, and a summer enjoyed. But it does mean that you need to take some time to prepare your garden for fall so that nothing gets damaged.  If you are short on time or need overall help, don’t hesitate to reach out to outsource your lawn care!  Use a reliable company such as

Here are some tips to help you. 

You Need To Teach Your Kids

Find Ways to Use it

If you close the door in mid-September and entirely forget about your garden until spring, you aren’t alone. However, your outdoor space is yours all year round. You own it or pay rent for it, and there are still many benefits to spending time out in your garden, even in bad weather. 

So, make sure you can. For example, consider contacting Outdoor Living Inc. about installing a deck that won’t get muddy in the rain, add a covered area with outdoor seating, and even think about adding outdoor heaters so that you can enjoy a meal in the crisp winter weather. Try to make the most of your garden all year round. 


If you’ve got a deck, a wooden shed, fences, and wooden furniture, you may have spent time and money painting them and making sure they look their best. The bad news is, they won’t look their best for long if you leave them outside all fall without any protection. Use weatherproof paint or varnish on your fences and furniture, and either cover or move anything you can indoors. 

It’s also worth remembering that rain isn’t the only problem in the colder months. Wind can also cause chaos in our gardens. If you can’t move everything indoors, make sure it’s fastened down, or attached to a fence so that it can’t be blown away. 

Tidy Toys

Outdoor toys will soon become damaged and dirty as the weather turns. Look at outdoor storage, or bring things indoors, to make sure they can still be enjoyed next summer.

Mow the Lawn

The growth of your lawn is soon to slow down, and it may only need minimal maintenance over the cold season. But you should try to fit in another good mow, to make it easier to manage later on. 

Move Perennials 

Many of your plants, flowers, herbs, and fruits will come back next season. But, some of the smaller plants, and those that are less hardy, should be moved into a sheltered area or covered for protection from the frost. 

Even if you decide not to use your garden too much over the coming months, it’s still worth preparing and giving it some TLC now to make next spring easier.Â