One of the most exciting developments in cosmetic dentistry is the dental implant, the very first permanent solution to missing teeth, and while implants have been around for quite a few years, the treatment is not suitable for everyone. The only way to discover whether or not you are suitable for dental implants is to visit a cosmetic dentist, who would examine you and take a few X-Ray images of your jaw, which will help the dentist to decide what the best treatment would be.  If you’re looking for a reputable dentist, there are plenty of dentistry services available worth checking out.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

There are several techniques and the most common is for the dentist to drill into the patient’s jawbone and insert a titanium pin, which bonds with the bone and tissue over the period of a couple of months. Once the dentist is sure that the bonding process is adequate, the prosthetic tooth can be attached to the titanium pin and the treatment is complete. In the event the patient has a thin jawbone, straightforward dental implants might not be possible, as the titanium pins will not be securely attached to the jawbone, and in such a case, the dentist can graft a small piece of bone from the hip area and use this to build-up the jawbone.

The Introductory Consultation

It isn’t hard to find dental implants if you carry out a Google search, and by making an introductory appointment, the expert can examine you and discuss the options. This would include X-Ray images to discover if your jawbone is suitable to receive dental implants. If all is well and you are in agreement, the first appointment can be set.

Patient Suitability

Providing you are healthy and have the right jawbone make-up, you are able to have the treatment, which is carried out in multiple stages. The first step is to decide on the best form of dental implant. In the event the patient requires a bone graft, this would be the first treatment, and that would need a few months to knit together with the existing jawbone. If there is no need for a bone graft, then the first stage of the treatment would be to insert the titanium pin(s), which require a few months to bond with the bone and tissue.

The Final Stage

When the dentist feels that the titanium pins have bonded properly, the prosthetic teeth can now be fitted using a very strong adhesive and aside from a post-treatment check-up, the process is now complete. If a person is having a full set of upper and lower implants to replace dentures, then both top and bottom would each require 3-4 pins in the right locations (known as ‘All-on-4’) would hold the single bridge of teeth, while a single implant only needs one titanium pin.

Dental implants are not suitable for everyone, but with an examination from an experienced cosmetic dentist, you will quickly discover if you are suitable for implant treatment. This treatment is not cheap, but it does offer a permanent solution to missing teeth. If you take good care of your implants, they should last a lifetime.