Losing a loved one is one of the most painful experiences that anyone could ever go through. It’s difficult enough for an adult that understands how life and death work. However, it is a whole different story for children. Most of them can’t comprehend what happened and they might get stuck in the confusion, denial, or anger phase for a while. If you have children and you’re trying to teach them about the inevitability of death, then read on to learn more about helping them deal with their grief.

Take an Honest and Direct Approach
You should always take an honest and direct approach with children because they will most likely take anything literally. You might have told them that the loved one died, but they might not have understood that properly or can get confused thinking that the person would come back. Try to avoid using euphemisms when you explain death to children because they will not understand. Don’t tell them that the person went on a trip or they’re just sleeping. This will confuse them and might make the grieving process a lot more difficult for them. Just remember to use clear and simple words and say it in a caring but honest way.
Explain Funerals and Rituals Thoroughly
Children should learn about funerals and rituals thoroughly to avoid any confusion at the funeral, viewing, or memorial service. These gatherings happen everywhere worldwide, even if you live in Australia and you lost someone. Funeral directors believe that a special funeral ceremony can help with the grieving process because it gives your emotions something to focus on. It’s a chance for your children to say goodbye and remember the life that the deceased loved one had. Teach your kids about burials, cremation, and how everyone will come and pay their respects or offer condolences. This will give children the closure they need, and it will help them understand the reality of the situation and the grieving process.
Provide Reassurance and Comfort
You must provide reassurance and comfort all the time with a grieving child. You need to talk with them and listen to how they feel. Whether they’re sad, depressed, confused, angry, or still in denial, you should always try to make them feel better. Help them with emotional healing but never try to make them forget. You need to let them remember the person with love and joy. Talk about the fun times they had together with the lost loved one, laugh about the funny moments, fill their minds and hearts with good memories. Always reassure them that they’re safe and you’re there to take care of them.
Each child copes differently and they deal with grief in specific ways depending on their age. But you should remember that they are still children and the concept of losing a sibling, parent, or grandparent can be quite confusing for them. The heartbreak is there, even if the child doesn’t understand fully what happened. They just know that the person they loved isn’t there anymore. This means that you should always support, listen, and be there for them every step of the way to help them cope and move on.
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