We have always enjoyed the outdoors, and we try to get outside as much as possible with our kids as well. When I was a kid, ticks were not something that we were concerned about. However, living in New York in this day and age means that you have to be vigilant about ticks. I have friends who have Lyme disease, and it is a very scary disease.
We have had many close calls with ticks, from our own yard to local trails. We have even found ticks on our girls after visiting our own school’s playground.
I am so careful about not wandering off trails, but I ended up with this huge deer tick on me on a recent hike.

Here are some things we do to try to stay safe from ticks.
No matter how careful we are, we always check for ticks. This means even when we go to the school playground, we do a check. Be thorough, from your hair to having someone check your back.
2. Stay on trails and out of brush
When we go hiking, we are careful to stay on the trail, and not wander into grass or brush. It really seems we are a lot more prone to ticks once we go in grass, bushes, etc. This is also something good to practice with kids, since there is an increased risk of other things, like poison ivy.
3. Dress appropriately
It can help to dress appropriately. If you wear light clothing, it will be easier to spot ticks. Tuck pants into socks so that ticks don’t end up in your clothes. You can wear hats to help reduce ticks getting into your hair. There are lots of ways to use clothing strategically to quickly find ticks.
4. Wear repellent
I am very wary about chemicals in our daily lives. We want to stay safe from ticks, but are chemicals the only way to do it? There are natural formulas, but I don’t know how effective they are. Any time we use something with chemicals in it, I try to spray it on things like shoes or tall socks. There are more effective repellents like permethrin and DEET, but do your research on anything you use. Permethrin is highly toxic to cats, and DEET will melt plastic.
5. Make your yard as safe as possible
We live in your average suburban neighborhood, and my kids have gotten a tick from our own yard. We have since tried to make the yard as safe as possible for our family
~ keep grass short, keep brush trimmed and neat, no brush piles
~ you can use tick tubes in your yard {affiliate link}
~ you can apply a natural tick killer to your yard to keep ticks to a minimum
~ stick with native species of plants and get rid of invasives (“invasive species of plant, such as Japanese honeysuckle and Japanese barberry are known to create artificially lush habitat for high-risk, disease-vector ticks” [source])
6. Pet safety
Pets are often an easy way for ticks to catch a ride. If you go hiking, keep your dog leashed and on the trail, and do a thorough search afterwards. If you let your cats outdoors, check them as well, as they can bring ticks into your home. You can also look into tick prevention treatments.
Ticks and Lyme disease are such a scary thing, so we use these strategies to be as careful as we can. Feel free to share what you have found to be useful in keeping safe!

{affiliate links}

About the Author: Marysa Busy blogger and mom of two girls. We love traveling and the great outdoors, and are always looking for our next adventure! If you have any travel questions, contact me! marysa@anationofmoms.com
We don’t hike much but thanks for these tips! Ticks freak me out so much
Yikes, I always worry about this! I’ll keep your tips in mind.
This was great for a person like me who loves to hike and takes a daily walk in the park. I will be sure to follow all these steps when i go to the wooded areas.
Thanks for these great tips. We have a lot of ticks in our area! A few years ago I read that Barberry bushes may attract ticks, so I dug ours up. Half of our property is woods, so we have a lot of wildlife, including deer, raccoons, and possums. I especially like possums once I learned that they eat ticks!
Nice post and you are definitely giving us a good tips and recommendation before and during the hiking activity. Thank you!
wow! Thanks for these tips! We are thinking of renting a new house with a backyard, and we need to be more careful with these ticks.
These are all great tips! I know we have tons of ticks outside, so I definitely will try some of these tips.
We recently had a pup pet and this is the one I am looking after. Thanks for this reminder.
We have been finding ticks when we undress the kiddos. Ugh! Tick tubes are one thing we haven’t tried yet. I didn’t even know about them until just now.
These are some great tips. I have only had one tick on me so far this year. We have chickens and ducks, and they do a great job at keeping the ticks away.
These are very useful tips. My kids and husband love to go hiking. I always remind them about the tick.
Great information! Ticks are terrible where we live.
We like to go hiking and camping, so this is always something we do every evening or when we take showers after being outside. We always tell our boys to check themselves over then my husband or I check the places they can’t reach/see easily. We have lots of dangerous critters, so it’s good to always check. I also make my family wear a hat or bandana or something on our heads. It was a rule when I was in Girl Scouts and I instill it in the Cub Scouts that I now lead, too!
These are fantastic tips! I have a real thing about tips. They are so gross, and they can really hurt you if they give you a disease!
Yes! Ugh…I hate ticks and we have found quite a few on my boys over the past years. Better to be safe than sorry! Finding ticks early is key.
Yikes! The idea of ticks have always freaked me out. Thanks for the safety tips! I appreciate it.
People usually think of pets and nothing else when they think of ticks, but they like humans, too. Always best to be safe and check for them after time spent outdoors.
Thank you for these tick prevention tips! With summer around the corner, no one wants these issues.
Ohhh, smart post! It is that time of year again. We don’t hike with out dogs, but I always hike with pants because any sort of small critter like a tick always freaks me out.
Oh jeez, ticks are a nightmare. When I was younger I went to sleep away camp and camped in the woods and come home with a tick on my head that I had no idea about until I finally got a nice shower. Of course, I freaked out, however, my mom got it off and disinfected my head. Luckily I am fine but they are scary!!
Yyyyaaaayyyyy! Making my home as safe as I possibly can is the way to go! That way, you get to minimise the occurrence of ticks!
Great tips!! pet safety is most important and soon I will get my own dog. This will be helpful when I get my pet. Thank you for sharing!
Many won’t know these tips. Atleast i didn’t know. Keeping a note out of these.
These are great tips. Ticks are horrible. Thankfully, we don’t have much ticks around here.