Day in and day out, our feet take a pounding. Walking, jogging, the wrong footwear, and standing for long hours take their toll on the feet. So it’s not surprising that a lot of foot problems occur. Couple this with the fact that each foot consists of 26 bones, it is a complex body part.

A sore foot can indicate different types of conditions, according to which area of the foot is hurting. Aches could come about because of inflammation or poor foot function. Some treatments can be done at home while others may require surgery, depending on the severity of the pain. Here is a look at available options for the treatment of some conditions.


Too much uric acid in your body can lead to gout and gout pain usually affects the feet. Gout might not feel painful at first, but it typically develops in stages. In its early stage, you might not feel anything. Through other stages, you can begin to notice swelling and start feeling pain. If gout isn’t treated it can become chronic.

Treating gout requires reducing salt in your food as well as eating less red meat and minimizing alcohol consumption. People most prone to gout are middle-aged men and post-menopausal women.

Plantar Fasciitis

Heel pain is common and the main reason for it is plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is a ligament responsible for raising the arch. When it becomes inflamed, it causes pain; mainly around the bottom of the heel. It is not always clear why this happens as there’s nothing visibly wrong with the foot. People with this condition notice the discomfort most when they get up in the morning, or after a lot of foot activity, especially around the arch area. If you exercise, you will notice that the ache subsides, but after resting it can start up again. 

There are ways to treat this condition on your own, such as:

  • Putting an ice pack on the area hurting you for 20 minutes every two to three hours
  • Keeping the foot raised when resting
  • Wear lower heels
  • Do exercises that do not put pressure on the foot, such as swimming
  • Insert heel pads or insoles in your shoes. Shoe inserts focus on alignment to provide the highest level of support and comfort.

Aside from the things you should do, there are things you should avoid doing, like:

  • Wearing flip flops or backless shoes
  • Walking barefoot on hard surfaces
  • Wearing pointed shoes

As with any other pain in the body, if it doesn’t subside within a reasonable amount of time, consult a doctor, namely an orthopedist or general practitioner for recommendations because one treatment might be to undergo surgery. The operation is known as plantar fascia relief surgery, where the ligament is separated from the heel, relieving the tension. It can be done via endoscopic or open surgery. This operation has a high success rate. During the recuperation period, you’ll be given several foot exercises to speed up the healing process and make sure your foot heals properly. 

When home treatments don’t work, opting for an operation can be the ideal solution. There is no need to remain with a pain that can be cured by an operation. Keep in mind, however, that the longer you wait to undergo treatment, your options may become limited. 


Bunions usually grow at the side of the big toe. Because the foot has so many bones in it, some, or even just one, muscle(s) may move out of place. When that happens, a bunion can form. The bunion forces the big toe to push against the other toes. 

Lots of people, of all ages, are prone to bunion formation, but it tends to occur more in women, mainly because of wearing tight, pointed shoes. Bunions typically start small but increase in size and pain as we age, if left untreated.

Bunions may occur due to internal factors, such as gout or arthritis. Other people may develop bunions because of a flat foot, for instance.

Bunions don’t go away on their own. If treated in a child, the growth can be postponed or stopped completely. Having said that, the same doesn’t always apply to adults. A doctor may recommend undergoing surgery to remove the bone growth as well as realigning the big toe joint. The surgery is referred to as a bunionectomy and often has an excellent prognosis. 

Wearing a bunion pad, avoiding tight shoes, or using custom-made inserts might relieve the pain, but these suggestions do not deal with the underlying cause. This is why a bunionectomy is often recommended.


Diabetic Neuropathy

People with diabetic conditions are prone to blood sugar spikes. Diabetic neuropathy is a group of conditions arising from diabetes rather than just one condition. When blood sugar rises too high, it can cause nerve damage in the foot. Nerve damage can result in numbness, tingling, and pain. 

While medication will help to a certain degree, you still need to control your blood sugar by eating balanced meals that include plenty of greens, vegetables, and fruit. Following a daily 30-minute exercise routine will also help bring down your sugar level in a healthy way.

Studies carried out by the University of Kansas Medical Center show that regular exercise makes a difference and the pain isn’t as sharp in patients who exercise as in those who don’t. Exercise is especially helpful to keep blood sugar under control. 

Since there is a loss of sense because of the nerve damage, it’s recommended that you have a nightly, routine check on your feet, in case you have received an injury that you didn’t feel. Alongside this, there are different relaxation techniques you could use, such as massage, meditation, or yoga.

There are many things we fail to do to take care of our feet better; starting by wearing appropriate footwear. Exercise and healthy eating habits are other actions you can take. Some foot conditions can be cured by an operation. Check with your doctor about all the options available such as neuropathy therapies so that foot pain doesn’t interfere with your daily life.