We all want to maximize our safety during the coronavirus pandemic. As such, staying at home and practicing social isolation can help to tackle the virus’s spread. However, when staying indoors isn’t an option, you need to ensure your vehicle can shield you from any risk. Indeed, while medical authorities advise against unnecessary travel, it doesn’t mean you are not allowed to drive. Whether you’re driving to do your grocery shopping or to deliver food to those who are self-isolating, you need to make sure you stay safe behind the steering wheel. 

car vehicle driving

Only go out for the essentials 

Hard times call for harsh measures. Self-indulgence is off the table. If you are going to drive, you have to ensure that your trip is absolutely necessary. In other words, you need to stick to essential trips, and, more importantly, essential items if you’re going shopping. Not all stores can offer Go-To services and curbside facilities to their customers. Many shops try to provide these services to their most vulnerable customers, so you may have to enter the store to shop. Nevertheless, you can ensure your car is a place of safety by keeping a hand sanitizer inside. It’s a great way of removing potential risks after you’ve been exposed to social contacts. 

Keep your protection up

Coronavirus is transmitted through infected droplets of saliva that can travel in the air when someone sneezes, coughs, or talks. Your car is unlikely to catch any of these droplets as you drive. However, when you stop at the traffic lights, it’s a good idea to keep your windows up to avoid any risk. If you have an open roof, remember to keep it shut when you circulate in town. Similarly, convertible vehicles should also keep their roof on and secure during urban trips. If you live in a rural area, while the same health considerations apply, areas with a low population density are considerably less exposed to risks. 

Fewer vehicles on the road doesn’t mean it’s safe

As most people only leave their homes when strictly necessary, such as to buy food, roads and streets can feel eerily empty. However, don’t let it distract you from the usual traffic regulations. Try not to cut corners or ignore stop signs to save time. While there are fewer vehicles on the road, collisions can still happen. You are unlikely to be on the winning side of car accident settlements if you are found to be a reckless driver. As health care workers are working hard to tackle the pandemic, the last thing they need, now, is a reckless driver needing medical equipment and resources. 

Keep documented evidence

More and more police forces are trying to enforce quarantines. Rhode Island officers, for instance, stop cars with New York plates to reduce spread. Everywhere, officers are trying to minimize risks. Therefore, if you are traveling, even to go to the shop, it can be helpful to document your journey. You can keep a shopping list, for example. If you’re buying groceries for vulnerable individuals, you should have a list of contacts in your car, for officers to check if they stop your vehicle.

While you can drive during self-isolation, you need to make sure you are not taking unnecessary risks. Avoid unnecessary trips and prepare for all eventualities, from reckless drivers to police checks. In the meantime, stay positive and look after each other.