In most countries around the world, gym access has been restricted or completely cut off. Workout buffs and gym bunnies alike are now left scrambling trying to get back into a routine from their homes. The problem is, a lot of people are unsure about how to start a workout program at home, but this guide should help ease some of that anxiety and get everyone moving again.

Find Your Space
Not everyone is fortunate enough to have an empty room ready to put some weights and cardio equipment in. And, if you do have that, you’re slightly ahead of everyone else. If you are someone who lives in an apartment, condo, or small house, your space may have to be a mat on the ground or some floorspace that comes from moving things around. It doesn’t have to be big or fancy, but it does help if you utilize the same space every time. This signals your body and brain that it is time to get moving. Either way, dedicating a workout space in your home is the first step in getting yourself moving again.
Get Some Basic Equipment
Technically, all you really need for your workout is your body, but adding in some weights and other equipment will tune your fitness up a bit. You’ll want a mat to act as a padded surface to workout on and protect your floors. Resistance bands, kettlebells, dumbbells, and even a small barbell will help incorporate some resistance training into your routine. It is also important to make sure you have your water, the best pre workout for you, protein shakes, and some recovery supplements if you want to get the most out of your workout.
Workout With a Buddy
Working out with a friend is one of the easiest ways to stay motivated as you can push each other. If you are not able to get together with friends, logging on to a virtual platform and working out via webcam is a great substitute. Either way, it is important to have someone to work with when you are trying to meet goals and maintain a routine.
Don’t Give Up
Set a goal to do at least three at-home workouts a week in the beginning, and mark your progress on a calendar that you can see at all times. This helps you keep yourself accountable and gives you goals to push toward. You could even set small daily goals like doing 25 push ups at the end of every workout or running a lap or two around your neighborhood before you begin.
Right now, there is a lot of uncertainty, and many have lost access to their gyms and social groups. But, there are ways to get through it and set up a consistent system at home. However you choose to manage, you will still hit your goals if you continue to work toward them.
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