I received product samples in order to facilitate my honest review.
Living in Upstate New York, we are always excited for spring. The winter months are hard, and I find myself dreaming of warmer weather all the time! I also work in a greenhouse, so gardening is on my mind a lot.
It is nice to start planning early and brainstorming, and dreaming about what we are going to do with our garden! The great thing is that during the colder months, you can use this time to plan out your garden. True Leaf Market is a great place for all your gardening supplies.
Since having kids, I always include my them in my gardening. There are just so many things kids can learn from gardening, and growing plants is the perfect way to teach children about the life cycle of plants, and what goes into caring for a garden. I know plenty of adults who aren’t familiar with growing plants, and these are wonderful life skills.

Here are my tips for planning out your garden.
1. Plan your garden.
There are many things to consider when you create a garden, including:
~ What planting zone you live in
~ How much space and depth your plants need
~ How many days until germination and days until maturity
~ Plant requirements (sun, water, nutrients)
We have a raised garden bed, plus we use large pots for some other plants (for example, tomatoes, which grow well in pots, plus I can keep the pots on my patio, away from where deer like to graze on my vegetables!). Figure out your arrangement first so that you know what plants are ideal.
2. Choose your seeds.
Once you have your physical garden layout, then you can choose seeds based on things like sun, depth, space available, etc.
I like to guide the kids to pick out veggies that they will enjoy growing and harvesting. Some of these are:
~ small tomatoes like cherry or grape tomatoes
~ cucumbers or pickling cucumbers (you can make easy fridge pickles!)
~ lettuces
3. Begin planting and prepare your garden.
Since our growing season here is short, it is good to start your plants ahead of time, harden them off, and then plant them in your garden. I also have to prep my garden by mixing up the soil, adding fertilizer, and making sure I have the proper setup (like tomato cages).

I picked out a variety of True Leaf Market garden seed packs, including my favorites, Sugar Snap Peas and Mammoth Sunflower. If you haven’t had Sugar Snap Peas straight from the garden, it is just amazing and something I really look forward to every year. Sunflowers add a lot of beauty to our landscape, and at the end of the season, I cut the tops off and set them by the bird feeder where the birds and squirrels can enjoy it.

The kids have been helping me prepare the garden, and we picked out a True Leaf Market grow kit. Ours is a salad kit, but there are so many different kinds to choose from. I really want to get their medicinal & herbal tea kit, sprouting supplies, and microgreens kits. The nice thing about the kit is that it has everything you need to get started, plus instructions.

The kit is so easy to use, and there is an instruction card that makes it easy to do your seed starting.

I love how convenient this is, plus the starting tray has a cover to help insulate it (and bonus – my cats can’t destroy the seedlings like they have done in the past!).

While we wait for our seeds to come up, we will prepare the garden beds for when it is time to transplant.
Now is the perfect time to get your True Market seeds and supplies and start planning and starting your garden!
I love gardening and lucky me, now I have even more time to do it! Gong to try that product.
I’ve been doing a lot of gardening since I am stuck at home. I’ve planted a bunch of seeds and waiting for them to sprout so we can plant them in our large garden.
How cool! I wish I could grow things. I’ve tried and the plants usually end up dying. I guess if something isn’t shouting at me to feed it, I forget.
I have not started my gardeining yet and I wish i could grow those beautiful sunflowers. I have to try and plant some veggies one of these years too.
I’ve been thinking about gardening over the last couple of days. This is definitely giving me inspiration.
Gardening has been keeping my attention these days while in quarantine and giving me something to keep busy and look forward to. It’s always so much fun starting the seeds and watching them sprout 🙂
I love gardening, it’s one in one of my favorite things to do every year. I still have to get started I feel so behind this year.
If we could get into Home Depot, we would LOVE TO get some more food plants to plant! 🙂
I love gardening so much. I used to plant Okra or eggplant before.
My friend just started her little seedlings inside. It’s too early yet to plant outside. I’m hoping to plant my first garden this year. I’m so nervous though! I’m so bad at keeping plants alive.
I really want to start my own little garden but I am afraid the deer and rabbits will eat it. Someday.
This post is so inspiring, I love gardening but lately have been depressed with all that is going on. I need gardening therapy and you have inspired me to start planning. Thank you!
My wife and I love gardening. It is one of our passion. Good to see you involved in gardening.
This looks like a fun way to start gardening with kids. I would love to do this with my daughter. I miss growing things to be honest. Always loved to do that.
I actually wanted to try planting because it’s essential and whenever you need things you just pick them at your garden. I tried planting before but it ends up dying. I really need a lot of idea in planting.
It’s really relaxing if you have a garden actually. Not just garden but I call it a hobby. I’ll try to plant that too, planting seeds are really fun.
I love gardening! I wish I had the proper area for sunlight as I don’t get a lot. But it looks like True Seeds is perfect for the kids to learn how to garden and learn about the food/plants.
Oh wow! It’s great to have your own, beautiful garden. Thank you for sharing these tips. I will definitely keep this in mind., And surely will visit True Leaf Market for all my needs!
Now it’s the right season for planting and gardening. Thanks for sharing these gardening tips!
I would love to start a garden with my son, it looks like something we both would enjoy doing
I am definitely in the mood for more gardening since we are home and the weather is finally turning up. This tray looks awesome and definitely something I’d love to try out with my kiddo.
Love that you have the steps by steps for a beginner like me. Seriously thinking of learning some gardening now.
A garden of cherry tomatoes would be a dream backyard for me. Very smart activity for kids.
I need to start planning my garden. Typically I wait til may and buy already growing plants, but maybe this year I’ll start from seeds
Thankfully my children didn’t inherit my black thumb! I’m actually learning a lot from them. They love gardening and I’m learning so much from our time together. I need to stock up on supplies so we can turn our garden into a collection of blooming memories.
How cute! Now is a perfect time to work on the garden!
Oh how I love to have my own garden. It’s one of my greatest wishes. I will definitely keep in mind this True Leaf Market. I’m sure I will be needing this.
I love gardening. And trust me these days I am totally involved in gardening.
I’m also dreaming of getting back to gardening, but here in Alberta everything is still covered in snow!
what a great thing to do as a family. A chance to share the love of gardening, watch it grow and share the bountiful harvest which could lead to the love of cooking as well.
I love watching things grow. We have a garden at the back of our house, where we gat our vegetables, some simple fruits and other plants from.
My father can’t do without farming, so we sort of grew into it.
This is a great idea to keep the kids busy. I love gardening, but I don’t have time.
I am starting my gardening this weekend. Thank you for putting the fire in me with your post.
I kill succulents at this point but I really am looking into trying to get better with that.
Awwwwww… what a sweet activity to do with your kids. I’m sure they enjoyed this.
I love gardening and most amazing thing about is that it gives you peace from inside. Thank you for this amazing post.
What a cool way to bond with your kids. My son will surely enjoy this because he loves the outdoors.
I love gardening so much. I used to plant Okra or eggplant before.
I love kitchen gardening, during my previous job as a NRM Trainer, I had conducted many raining for local peoples of Thar Desert. But due to brackish water we can’t promote it widely. I enjoyed your article.
We tried something similar to this. They all died haha.
I love gardening but I don’t have the time for it, so now that we must stay at home for a considerable time. It must be the time to consider and start gardening. Thank you for sharing and making me wanna do this now.
We love gardening as well. Looks like you’ve got a great start of seeds going. I hope your garden is a huge success this year.
My brother is actually making a green house right now!!! its looking fab!!! gardening is so fun
I really want to start a small vegetable garden 🙂
I love gardening and lucky me, now I have even more time in these self quarantine days to do it.
We really love gardening too. Planting some veggie seeds and a beautiful flowers makes me feel happy and relax when I see them.
My fondest memory as a kid is picking the sugar snap peas from the garden and eating them! They are so good! This looks like the perfect kit to get to start your garden, I love that they have multiple to choose from.