Mothers are working more now than ever before. If you want to be able to juggle both then you can find out some very useful hints and tips, right here.

Let go Of Guilt
You should never dwell on the fact that you are not with your child. Instead, you should think about how your role within the company is helping you and your family. Sure, you might not be able to sit down with your family every single day, but your job might mean that you can afford certain educational classes or even opportunities for them. You might also be able to put some savings away for college if you want. As a mother, it’s important to know that you are not alone and you should always discuss your feelings with your partner or even anyone else who you feel as though you can chat with.
Find Great Childcare
It’s also helpful to ask your family or your friends to see if they can give you a reference for a babysitter, nanny or even daycare. Create a list of all the criteria that are important to you and also schedule a time so that you can talk with the qualified childcare provider as well. At this point, it helps to hire nannies who have a history of long-term commitment as this shows that they have a fantastic level of experience and they might also be able to grow with your family. Extensive experience and flexible hours are all essential as well so do keep that in mind.
Make the Mornings Easier
You have to make sure that you don’t start the day on a frazzled note by trying your best to get organised the day before. Pack up your kids’ lunches and also make sure that you lay out all of the clothes that you want to wear. It also helps to make sure that everything is right next to the door so that you can easily grab everything and avoid the mad dash that’s normally associated with mornings.
Create a Family Calendar
You also need to try and figure out the priorities of your family as well. You might want to have a calendar full of dates for when your bills are due, and you might also want to have a chart as well. This could include any family events, birthdays and extracurricular activities. If you are a student, then it may also help to allow room for study time and for you to also make sure that you do some preparation in advance. If you are studying law, this could involve finding some legal research services for example.
Communicate with your Employer
Before you even think about talking with your employer or even your HR representative- you need to have a written plan so that you can detail what you need. You have to remember that every single employer is different and only you will know how much you need to communicate with them. Either way, it helps to make sure that you are as honest as possible and that you also show them that you are willing to compromise.
Stay Connected
Stay connected with your kids even if you’re not together. If you are going to miss an event for your older child then try and give them something in the morning, such as a good look charm or you can even write them a personal note if possible. You can even call them during your break at work if you want.
Limit Distractions
Be disciplined as much as possible and also make sure that you set time limits when you are making phone calls or even checking emails. When you are spending time with your kids, you may be tempted to try and multi-task other activities such as replying to emails or even sorting out work. You need to avoid this because if you don’t then you may find that you end up never really spending time with them at all and this will work against you and your family.
Create Special Activities
Making time for your kids really is crucial. If you are pressed for time then why not have a family breakfast, or even play some board games. If you can create activities that fit into your schedule, then everyone will know what to expect and they will also know what to look forward to as well. If you are going on a family outing, then you need to try and avoid talking about work and you also need to stop it from interfering with your life in general. The more you can do this, the better you will feel overall.
Don’t Forget about your Partner
You have to remember to nurture your relationship and you also need to make sure that you don’t forget about your partner either. It helps to have nights for just the two of you and it also helps to enjoy each other’s company too. If you are busy with work and the kids, then you may feel as though your partner is the first thing to be compromised and this can take its toll eventually. If you want to stop this from becoming an issue, then check in with them from time to time. It may even be worth trying to arrange a date night as well, where you can have a glass of wine and truly unwind.
Create Moments for Yourself
Sometimes when you are busy trying to manage everyone else, you might forget about your own personal needs. Make sure that you make time for yourself and that you also make sure that you relax and take a bubble bath once in a while. A bit of pampering can go a long way and you would be surprised at how much it could help you to recharge and just get ready for the day ahead. If you want to help yourself even more then why not think about trying to sit and have a coffee with a good book or even try and think about what movie you can watch at the weekend?
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