One of the hardest jobs in the world is motherhood. There is so much going on between the housework and entertaining kids, keeping them on their schedules and making sure that you eat, too. Every single day bleeds into the next, and there’s no such thing as a break when you’re a Mom.
Until now.
Today is the day you carve a piece of time out for yourself, Mama. It doesn’t matter whether you grab your partner and throw the kids at him for the day, or you find a sitter. You need to take a day and make it yours. You deserve a little time just for yourself, to think about nothing but what you want, where you want to go and what you want to eat. It’s a day for using both hands to eat a hot meal. It’s a day to take yourself anywhere that makes your soul sing. The good news? We’ve got some excellent suggestions for where you can take yourself. Ready?

- The Spa. Whether you go for a day or a weekend, you need to relax, Mama! Most mothers don’t realize how much their bodies go through when they have a baby. I mean, sure, you were there when the baby came out, but you do it all on no sleep. Rarely do you manage to catch up on all that sleep that you lost because once the baby is here, you’re a milk machine who responds to the cry of the baby whether you want to or not! A spa? That’s the perfect place to unwind and finally feel good! You deserve to take a moment and breathe, Mama. Get a massage and a facial and go for a leisurely swim. Take your time – you have tons to waste!
- A Retreat. If you are in the mood to make this your year to be the healthiest version of yourself, then a retreat is perfection. You can detox, get in touch with your inner self and just reconnect with the person – not the mother – within. They say that your identity changes when you have children. Well, it’s right to an extent, but you were a woman before you had children, and you’re still that woman deep down. Make her feel treasured.
- A Movie. When was the last time you sat and watched a movie that you wanted to watch without falling asleep/sharing your snacks/pausing sixty times? I’m willing to bet it was a long time ago! So, grab your favorite snacks and choose a movie you want to watch. Book the best seats in the house and go and enjoy the movie of your choice for a change.
- The Beach. Is there anything more relaxing than watching the waves breathe onto the shore? The soft sand, the breeze, and watching the expanse of ocean in front of you is often enough to make you feel alive. Don’t be quick to leave the beach behind. Bring a picnic and a drink.
Take your time, Mama. The world can wait for a while.
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