Your dog is an important member of your family, and just like how you take care of your loved ones when they’re sick or injured, you need to do the same for your dog. However, your dog cannot tell you when something is wrong like a spouse, child, or other family member can, and this can make it difficult for owners to ensure pets are getting the proper treatment. This is why it’s especially important for you to look for other signs or symptoms with your dog that could show there is something wrong. Here are six things to look for in your dog’s health.

- Anxiety
Like people, dogs can also suffer from anxiety. In most cases, it relates to separation anxiety that occurs when you and your dog are not near each other. For most dogs, this could result in anything from chewing things like clothes, furniture, etc.; going to the bathroom all over the house; or even whining uncontrollably. If your dog suffers from anxiety, you’ll need to do everything you can to help them. Oftentimes a veterinarian can prescribe something for your pet. Researching “What is Separation Anxiety in Dogs” and finding ways to help your dog cope with their anxiety will make their overall health better in the long run.
- Diarrhea
If your dog is suffering from diarrhea, it could be a sign of a variety of underlying health issues that you’ll want to address as soon as you can. While diarrhea could sometimes just be a side effect of medication your dog is on, it could also be a result of contamination or a poor diet. In addition, diarrhea could also be a sign of kidney problems, infections, or even cancer. If you notice that dog is having trouble producing solid stools, you’ll want to get him or her into the veterinarian’s office as soon as you can.
- Thirst
Pay attention to the amount of water your dog drinks. If you notice that your dog is drinking too much or not enough, you may want to have him or her checked out by a veterinarian. If your dog is drinking too much water, it could be a sign of a kidney infection or kidney disease. If your dog isn’t drinking enough water, it could cause dehydration. Always pay attention to this and ensure your dog always has plenty of water available. If you notice anything unusual, contact your veterinarian.
- Diet
Your dog’s diet plays a huge role in his or her overall health, so keep an eye on this. Be sure you are feeding your dog healthy food that is appropriate for their age and weight. If you notice that your dog is not interested in eating, it could just be they don’t like the food, or it could have something to do with other issues. Try giving your dog a new type of food, and if that doesn’t entice him or her to eat, then talk with your vet. This could be a sign that something is wrong internally in your dog or something is causing discomfort while eating or you could smell when your dog’s breath smells like poop. Allowing your vet to give your dog a physical or perform testing will let you know what the cause is and help you find a solution.
- Energy
Not all dogs have the same energy levels, but you should know what to expect out of your pooch. If you have an active dog that suddenly has no interest in going out or being active, chances are there’s something wrong. While this could just have something to do with getting older or just not being interested for a day, any length of time your dog spends not having the same activity level is cause for concern.
- Physical Pain
While your dog may not be able to tell you what’s wrong, they can show you. Pay attention to your dog’s actions, and if you notice they’re in pain, do something about it. Remember that every dog is different, so be aware of their behavior. They could be showing you by limping on one of their legs, constantly licking at a specific spot on their body, or even by making a noise when a certain area is touched or moved. Physical pain could be a result of many different things, so it’s best to consult your veterinarian to find the true cause.
Because your dog is an important part of your family, it makes sense for you to ensure they’re happy and healthy. Paying attention to all of these aspects of your pooch can help you do just that.
Just one more thing to add dear.
You should also look for amount of hair shedding in your dogs. Sometime, neglecting issues of hair shedding could cause massive damage. This is what I’ve learned from one of my neighbors negligence.
Also, for rest of the things you mentioned, I’d like to appreciate your efforts dear. Yeah, it is must to take care of our pet considering them our own child.