There are many different HVAC systems you can get for your home. Whether you are building a new home or replacing a system in your current home, you should do your homework before choosing a system, do your homework! Energy efficiency is important to help keep your heating and cooling costs in check. Let’s look at five of these options.

Geothermal Heat Pumps
These units will cost more to install, but they will recoup your investment quickly. Geothermal heat pumps function as both a heating and cooling system, and some units can even provide hot water. They rely on the temperature underground and use a series of pipes, including a compressor, pump, and fan. This is an excellent choice for new homes or as a replacement system.
Biomass Heating
Who doesn’t love sitting in front of a fire on a cool evening? Biomass is anything that is derived from plants and used as a method of heating. Wood and pellets are examples of biomass. The pros to a biomass heating system include a constantly renewable resource and a lower cost than propane, electricity, or natural gas. These systems are clean burning, only releasing the carbon the plant would release, and they can be incorporated into new construction or existing buildings. Schools and offices are even using biomass systems.
Split System Central Air Conditioner
This type of system uses a series of copper pipes rather than ductwork to cool your home. These systems can be placed in new rooms you’ve added to your house, or they can replace your current system. They are great if you want to only heat certain areas of your home.
A split system central air conditioner consists of a wall-mounted unit and an outdoor compressor. It only requires a small hole to be drilled in the wall, and it’s much more energy efficient than a duct system that can lose up to 25 percent of your energy.
Radiant In-Floor Heating
This is a great choice for new construction. Radiant in-floor heating is essentially a series of pipes that run under the subfloor. Hot water runs through these pipes and connects to a heat pump or boiler which distributes the heat. These systems are highly efficient and keep your feet warm in the winter. The con to this system is it is hard to retrofit into an existing home, unless you are already replacing the floors.
Passive Solar Heating
This type of heating system uses the walls, floors, and windows to collect and distribute heat. These systems still use radiant floor systems and possibly a forced-air system, but they also use the power of the sun, which is an ever-renewable source of energy. There are a variety of ways to implement passive solar heating, but it is best suited for new construction.
There are many options to consider when you decide to choose a green HVAC system, and these are just a few! By checking out your options, you can not only save money but save the environment, too.
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