I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Out April 2018, just in time for Mother’s Day, “The Best Mother” is a fun new book from C.M. Surrisi.

“The Best Mother” is a unique story, and I was intrigued as I read the book.

The Best Mother

Maxine wakes up one day, wondering if other mothers are much different from hers, and perhaps would not ask her to brush her teeth or tackle other responsibilities.  Yet, after she asks moms for their thoughts, she finds moms do expect their children to be responsible.

The Best Mother Sirrisi

While I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from the book, it was interesting to read this book when we did.  We had just watched a kid’s movie where the children are fighting in the backseat of the car, and the parents have to yell over the commotion to ask the kids to be quiet.  My daughter remarked that she thought I was the only parent who did that, which I found surprising!  The Best Mother is a story from a child’s perspective, and comes full circle, as Maxine realizes her mother is of course the best mother!

The Best Mother by C.M. Surrisi and illustrated by Diane Goode is available April 3, 2018.