Scooters have been around for decades and have always been a very popular toy for kids of all ages. They teach young children valuable skills like balance and direction, and begin to become a source of independence as kids age, often becoming the main source of transportation for adults.  With the ever-growing popularity of these amazing toys, it is important to remember that, like anything, if not used correctly a scooter can cause injury.

Teaching your children these four essential scooter safety principles can help them stay safe and give you peace of mind while they are enjoying their toy and learning new skills.

  • Wear a helmet.  

There is a reason this is safety rule number one.  Head injuries can be a cause of severe, life-threatening, or even fatal damages that could have been prevented with the simple following of this rule.  In fact, in many states it is even the law that you wear a helmet when riding a bicycle or scooter on the road.

  • Use the right accessories.  

Accessorize in a sport? Absolutely.  In this case, the accessories are the knee pads, elbow pads, and even the sneakers you have your child wear.  All of these accessories serve to prevent or soften injuries to important and easily damaged body parts, or to keep the injuries from happening.  Sending your kids off to ride a scooter while wearing flip flops or sandals is an accident waiting to happen.  Choose strong, sturdy and comfortable sneakers that are laced and tied tightly, and elbow and knee pads that are sized correctly and strapped on securely.

  • Choose the right scooter for your child.  

Just because they are begging for the hottest new scooter or the one with their favorite cartoon character on it does not mean it is the one they should have.  If the scooter is too big or too small for your child, it is going to be harder for them to steer and balance on.  This is most likely going to result in injuries.

  • Teach them to stop.  

Before you put your child on a scooter and send them off, be sure they know how to stop in an immediate situation.  This sounds like common sense, but many parents will focus on ensuring their child can balance and aim and then let them get far enough of ahead that by the time an urgent stop is needed, it results in a fall instead.  When your child is on the road, anything can happen.  They may need to make an immediate stop and not be able to.

With all of these warnings and rules, some parents get nervous and automatically think scooters are dangerous.  They are inherently not, though.  The best kids scooters are made of strong, durable materials that are designed with your child’s safety in mind.  Teaching your child, the importance of these four safety rules, along with making sure you have a reputable, well-made scooter, helps to ensure that your child’s scooting experience is a fun and safe one.