I received this item free of charge from Chewy in exchange for my honest review.

My daughter’s guinea pig relies on fresh hay in her diet.  We were excited to receive some CareFresh Timothy Hay from Chewy.com as we were running low on hay.  Guinea pigs should have access to hay every day, and this comes in a variety of sizes so that you can keep this stocked up.

CareFresh Timothy Hay Chewy.com

Give your small animal an all-natural, nutritious hay-based meal with CareFresh Timothy Hay Small Animal Food. CareFresh uses only the first cuts of 100% fresh Timothy hay from the rich soil of Eastern Washington for the perfect ratio of protein, fiber and fat. It’s harder to wear down than other cuts, which makes it ideal for helping to clean and maintain your small mammal’s ever-growing teeth. With 30% fiber content, CareFresh Timothy Hay helps maintain good digestive health by allowing your pet to digest their food more efficiently.

The Timothy Hay comes in a plastic bag, which is nice for storage and keeps the hay fresh.

CareFresh Timothy Hay

I didn’t realize quite how much was stuffed in the bag.  This is a solidly packed bag of hay, weighing in at 4 lbs.  You can see how tightly it is packed in the bag, with the ends at the top.

Carefresh Timothy Hay

We make sure that there is always a supply of this hay in the guinea pig cage, so that Nutmeg can forage as she likes.

carefresh timothy hay

Nutmeg forages on the hay frequently, and we refill her hay manger with it every day.  She also seems to like the furry tops the most, and pulls those out first to eat.

Carefresh Timothy Hay Chewy.com

The CareFresh Timothy Hay is a must-have staple for small animals like guinea pigs.  The hay is fresh and an important part of a guinea pig’s diet, and is not only available in the 4lb size, but also a 90 oz bag size as well.