Most people don’t realise just how quickly they can fall into debt. By the time they realise they are struggling financially, it becomes too late. Before you know it, the only option left is to declare bankruptcy. Understanding the signs that you are falling deeper and deeper into debt will help you curtail your expenditure and live within your means. Credit cards have distorted intuitions in many people, making it easier for them to buy things without having the money to pay for it. What most people don’t realise is that the credit card companies only extend this service because it helps them benefit off of it. Failure to make your payments on time will lead to an interest charge, which will ultimately continue to rise over time. Eventually, you will require help from a certified professional to manage your expenses. Here are some major signs that you are struggling with debt.

3 Clear Signs That You Have a Debt Problem
  1. You Only Make Minimum Payments

If you realise that you are only making minimum payments on your credit cards, it might indicate a debt problem. Regardless of the amount of debt hanging over your head, making minimum payments is a serious problem. Even if the amount of debt is relatively little, paying off the minimum amount each month could extend the repayment period for several more years, even a decade! If you have a sizable debt on your head, it’s even more important that you pay off more than the minimum amount.

  1. Collection Activity

Another clear sign of a debt problem is the collection activity related to your payments. If debt collectors have to call you every month and make several trips to your place just to collect the money you owe to them, it might be time to seek some debt help from a professional. Even if you don’t have an issue with making the payments (you have money flowing in), it’s still an issue if you have to make multiple payments in a month. You should communicate with collectors regularly and make sure you set payment dates with them to ensure there are no delays.

  1. Paying Off One Debt with Another

If you have to pay off one debt with another, it’s arguably one of the clearest indicators of being in debt. If your debt has increased significantly over the past few years, and you have to pay it off by taking debt from another lender, you should seek help from a certified debt management expert right away. These are just a few clear indicators that a person is suffering from debt and should focus on their finances right away. It’s very important that you make some lifestyle changes to improve your financial situation.

If you need help in dealing with debts, don’t hesitate to contact a professional right away.