Let’s be honest; bringing up a child has never been easy. And when that child is involved in a lot of bad doings and has a negative attitude, managing them can be a big challenge. As a parent or guardian though, you should be able to manage those behaviors and bring your children up in a way that is morally upright.  

A child being naughty and big headed is not something new. You might be surprised to find out that you were exactly the same in your early days. However, just because it is a stage that most children have to go through, it doesn’t mean that you have to put up with a misbehaving child. It is important that you manage such behavior as early as possible.

Child playing with toy cars

Most parents however, will try to correct bad behaviors with negative reinforcement like spanking or raising their voices. Little do they know, negative reinforcement leads to a negative attitude and more cases of misbehaving. If you are a parent who is struggling with the challenging behavior in young children, then this post is definitely a good read for you. Read on for some useful tips on how to manage bad and negative attitude in children.

  • Be part of your child’s life – It is important that you make time to interact with your child. Spend some time with them and make them feel that they are an important part of your life. These days, we are too busy to attend to the people we love but believe you me, this will take a toll on your loved ones, especially the children. So, even if you have a busy life, spare some time for your child.
  • Lay out some rules – This is an important factor that most parents pay less attention to. However, when your child is growing up, they should learn that there are specific rules that must be adhered to. However, don’t be extreme with the rules; only focus on what is practical and relevant depending on your child’s age. For example, your school-going children should know how to clean after themselves.
  • Recognize achievements and give rewards –This is more of a positive reinforcement. Once your child has done something good, gift them. However, do not give food or toy rewards to older kids but rather a token of appreciation and praises. Such rewards go deeper than a bar of chocolate or a simple toy. Nonetheless, toys would be a good reward for younger children.
  • Let the rules be consistent –Most children will ignore the rules while others will simply forget. However, when you stay consistent and clear about the rules, they will adapt. And if the child seems to disregard your efforts to change their behavior, explain to him or her that there will be consequences for their behaviors. For example, if your child is mean or hurtful to another child, have them take back their ill statements and say at least 5 good things about the child they have just insulted. By so doing, you will be encouraging positive connections between your child and other children of his/her age.