The role of a mother is a huge one. You’re not only responsible for yourself and your well-being, but that of your family. Taking care of the children, managing your relationship, and somehow holding it all together in the workplace is not always easy to balance. There are demands and factors throughout the day that can cause even “wonder woman” to need a break from time to time. Stress, to some extent, is a good thing, but when it gets to the point that you’re not yourself, it’s time to do something about it.

Know the Signs
It is important to be in tune with your emotional well-being. Knowing when you’re stressed and how it impacts you physically and mentally, will alert you to when it’s time to take it easy and reevaluate some things. Some of the physical and emotional signs of too much stress include:
- Easily agitated and short tempered
- Feeling a loss of control
- Difficulty relaxing
- Low self-esteem
- Isolation
- Low energy or fatigue
- Headaches
- Upset stomach
- Body aches and pains
- Chest pain
- Lack of sexual energy
- Lack of concentration
- Self-doubt
Identify Your Triggers and Find a Solution
Have you experienced one or a combination of the above-listed symptoms of stress? If so, you need to take it easy. Too much stress is never a good thing and can lead to chronic stress, self-medicating, and other complications. To prevent this from happening, when you feel you’re under too much stress, stop and identify the trigger, then come up with a solution to remedy that. Below are some common triggers and solutions:
Alone Time – Once you’re in a relationship and you have children, getting time to yourself is hard. Women often stress because they’re not making enough time for themselves. They begin to feel lost and as if their marriages and children take priority over their own needs.
Alone time might not be a week vacation on a beach in Fiji, but it’s still necessary to have. Find ways to treat yourself. Whether you decide to go and socialize with friends during a lunch break, or you opt to treat yourself to a facial or skin care treatment by paying for health and wellness services, the idea is to take time to do things that make you smile. If you don’t have a sitter, talk to your significant other about pitching in so you can have a few hours to yourself throughout the week.
Demands of a Relationship – On top of being super mom to your kids, you’re also expected to be the best wife or girlfriend to your partner. The demands of a relationship over time can get complex. Feeling a loss of identity, like time has gotten away from you, and even trying to adopt a new normal now that you have children can be very stressful.
If the demands of a relationship have you stressed there are things you can do about it. If you feel like the spontaneity has gone out of your marriage, switch things up, go on a date night. If the relationship is really bad of course, talking with a therapist can help you both get on the same page.
Time Demands – any mom can tell you that time is one of those things they wish they had more of. Trying to find enough time in the day to tend to the children, a relationship, a career, and yourself can leave you drained. The stress of trying to meet deadlines and be timely can quickly weigh on you.
If time isn’t on your side, you can’t add more of it, but you can find a way to make better use of the time you do have. Start by creating a schedule for everyone to stick to. Next, talk with your partner about your responsibilities and where you need help. Follow the schedule and make tweaks as you see fit.
Women often bear the weight of the world on their shoulders. Though built to withstand the demands of parenthood, marriage, and business, it can sometimes be a challenge to balance. If you’re dealing with an undue amount of stress, it is imperative to identify your triggers and come up with solutions that will ease the tension. Whether you just need to take a chill pill and squeeze a stress ball or you need to actively change things about your life and household it is imperative that you’re able to find peace of mind. Because at the end of the day, the family can’t survive if mom isn’t at her best.
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