Horse racing is both an interesting and famous sporting event across the world. It is not easy to say how horse racing became so popular. While many countries have a history of horse racing, both Asia and Europe claim that horse racing was introduced in their respective continents. However, from old scriptures or books, it has been known that people were quite used to riding horses. In ancient civilization, horses were used as the medium for transportation. While times have changed, horse racing is still considered a famous sport across the world.

Here are some interesting facts about horse racing.
A Famous Sporting Event
You may be surprised to know that studies show horse racing is one of the most famous sporting events in the world. This sporting event has become quite popular for many reasons. People take different things into consideration when they attend horse racing event. Some people love the sport, while others like to be part of the heritage of horse racing at least once in their lifetime.
Stories and Myths
With horse racing, you can find a history of stories and myths. If you read the history of horse racing in different countries, there are many fascinating historical facts. Regardless of the accuracy of the stories, horse racing stories are always enticing. Even if you are not a horse racing enthusiast, reading the history and myths is very interesting.
Raining Money Everywhere
With horse racing events, there are a lot of sponsors and funds associated. Due to its popularity, organizers earn a massive amount of money. Apart from the attending spectators, organizers earn money from sponsors as well, and winners are awarded a considerable amount of money. So if you are looking for a list of the posh as well as expensive games across the world, horse racing will be there on that list for sure.
Sporting Event for Elites
Horse racing is considered as a sporting event for the elites across the world. Royal families are often found to be associated with horse racing events. In fact, organizers invite the royal family members as the chief guests. However, it is just as popular for anyone else who is interested.
When I was young, I lived near a popular horse racing place. I am sure there are many people who find this sport very interesting.