If you are looking for some inspirational gift ideas for a new born baby, then the pinterest.com website has plenty of potential gifts if you don’t have an idea on what to buy, and many of them are very reasonably priced. However, what if you do not know the sex of the baby you are buying a gift for, what do you do then? The first thing is not to worry as there are plenty of gifts that you can get which come in neutral colors and are also gender neutral.

Choose A Good Color
Whatever gift you decide to purchase, if you do not know the gender of the baby then you should choose a color which is gender neutral. Traditionally, newborn girls are given pink gifts, while boys are given blue, so steering clear of both colors is a start. There are plenty of colors to choose from;
- White
- Green
- Yellow
- Orange
- Purple
- Black
Making sure your gift is gender neutral if it is clothing can contribute to making sure that your gift is going to get used, and not just sit in the cupboard.
Make It Practical
Rather than buying clothing for the baby, you can also decide on other baby gifts ideas that are going to be of practical use to the child and parents. Many different companies offer gift boxes that contain an assortment of various items that will get much use when the baby arrives.
- Baby Baths
- Baby Shampoo
- Baby Bubble Bath
- Toys
- Blankets
- Nappies
- Bottles
There is so much that is needed with the arrival of a new baby that giving a practical gift will be much appreciated from the proud new parents. Giving a box chock full of useful items is one of the best gifts that you can give as they often contain items which are often used and helps to prevent the parent from running out in those hectic first few months.
Make It Personal
You can also give a gift which is going to be highly personal to the child and parents, and there are plenty of choices available if this is the type of gift that you wish to give. You can buy a professional photography session for the proud new parents and even get a personalised photo album so that they can store all of their precious memories to come. You can also purchase a My First book, which allows the parents to record all of the milestones in their child’s early life, such as their first tooth, their first word, their first birthday, and so on.
Something For The Parents
With so many people giving gifts to the new baby, you may wish to consider giving the parents something that they might appreciate. A spa session for two, or provide them with a token offering babysitting services so that the new parents can take a break. Whatever you decide to give as a gift, making your gift one that is practical is sure to get a lot of thanks, as well as be remembered!
I chose not to find out the gender of my first baby ahead of time, and I was surprised how much it bothered some of my family and friends. They hated not being able to shop for “boy” or “girl” clothing. As you have so well explained, there are plenty of other great items that a baby needs that are gender neutral. Thanks for the tips.
I found out with both of mine. There was no way I could wait 9 months and not know if it was a boy or a girl. I think if I were to have a kid now, then I’d let it be a surprise! There are so many adorable gender neutral items now!
We decided to find out, and it made decorating and gifts so much easier. But we do respect when others choose to be surprised – then we just get them extra diapers! 😉
Oh gosh, you’re reading my mind. I have a friend who has 3 boys and she is not going to find out the gender of who she is caring right now. They all want to be surprised. This list will surely help me to pick the right gift for her.
I personally love Yellow. I think it’s great for both boy and girls.
Great ideas. I usually give a bag of books, those seem to work for any kids and you can’t ever have too many books!