Military families are used to being apart. Whether it’s a mom, dad, son, or daughter, long periods of time spent away from home is the norm.

Fortunately, these days technology has progressed and there is no need to rely on letters and phone calls to stay in touch. Here are some of the best ways for military families to stay in touch wherever they are located.

Top Tech For Military Families


There is something special about writing and receiving a letter, but these days they’re just too slow. Emails have completely taken over, especially for military families where updates are wanted on a regular basis.

Instant emails can be exchanged wherever internet access is provided. Sending emails is also a lot cheaper than sending letters, and it’s a popular communication method between soldiers and their families.


The development of smartphones and faster internet has meant that military families can now record videos and send them instantly. Many devices are now capable of shooting HD videos, so it is now easier than ever to shoot a quick video message and send it directly to a soldier, and vice versa.

This makes it possible for soldiers stationed abroad to watch important moments from back home, which could include birthdays they miss. Videos can be shared via email or by other means, such as sharing private videos on YouTube.

Video Chat

Military families don’t have to stop at sending pre-recorded videos. If the internet connection is fast enough, they can also hold live video chats.

Solutions like Skype make it easier than ever for soldiers to chat live with their partners, children, and parents. This is especially important on big occasions so they don’t miss out.

Social Media

One of the most important communication methods for military families these days is social media, and sites like Facebook have made it easier than ever to stay in touch.

This is especially important for mums and dads who want to chat to their children. Many young people use social media all the time, so this is a natural way for them to speak to their parents and keep up to date on all the news.

Call Recording

Another good option is to record calls that are made between soldiers and their loved ones. Soldiers can hold a conversion and record it very easily, and they can then listen back to the conversation when they want to.

Sometimes it’s easy to forget what was said or to miss an important detail, especially when time is short. Using an app like this, military families can now keep their calls and listen back to them when they want to.


WhatsApp is one of the simplest and best ways to stay in touch with people all over the world. This free messaging app allows you to send text messages as well as voice and image messages.

You can also use it to speak over the phone and even for live video chats. As long as an internet connection is available, military families may find this one of the most convenient options for staying in touch.


Poppy Woodward is an Army wife with family scattered all over the States as well as a Sister in Australia. She shares her support and top tips with others who are also feeling isolated from loved ones.