I received a Daily Goodie Box in exchange for my honest review.

I don’t have a lot of time for shopping.  Before having kids, I loved checking out new products and taking my time browsing in the store.  With kids, I don’t have time or patience for that, so it was a treat when a Daily Goodie Box arrived on my doorstep!

October Daily Goodie Box

The Daily Goodie Box is a box full of great samples.  Signing up is easy and free, so you can have a Goodie Box on the way in no time.  Another great thing – no credit card required!

My Daily Goodie Box arrived packed with lots of awesome goodies!  I don’t think there were any products that I had had before or were even familiar with, so it was a lot of fun looking through the box.  I also thought it was cool because some of the products are things you might use every day (like chips), and others are more out there (like caffeine gummies).

Here is what I received in my box:

~ Beanitos Black Bean Chips: I have never tried these before, and these are good!  It was nice to have a different kind of chip.

~ Navitas Naturals – Cacao Cranberry Bar and Hemp Peanut Bar: I am always eating on the run, so I love having some bars that I can take with me to work or keep in the car to munch on.  Plus, these are all natural, so these would be perfect at work or while I wait for the kids at swim practice, so that I am not eating junk.  They taste great and it was nice to get two flavors to sample.

~ Van Holten’s – Pickle-Ice: The kids were thrilled when I showed them the packet of Pickle Ice that I received!  We have made pickle pops in the past before, but I have never seen them sold like this!

~ Q Drinks – Q Ginger Beer: My Daily Goodie Box was heavy when it arrived, and that’s because of full size samples like this!  I love ginger beer, both because it tastes great and also because ginger is so good for you.

~ Nootrobox – Chewable Coffee Cubes: While this seems like one of the more “out there” products, I can’t tell you how many times I am driving in the car and I get sleepy.  Yet I don’t necessarily want to find a place to stop for a cup of coffee – not to mention that it means a subsequent stop to find a bathroom.  I haven’t tried these yet, as they are tucked in the dash of the car – but I am definitely going to be using these on our next road trip!

~ Gutsy Products – Chewy Citrus Flavor: These are interesting little chews that have ingredients that aid in digestion.  They will really come in handy for all those times I don’t eat a balanced meal – when I’m out the door without breakfast and when I have a really late lunch, and then we get home for a late dinner.  I did try one when I overindulged, and it seemed to soothe my stomach.

~ Natralia – Anti-itch Soothing Cream: The Natralia was the only non-food item in the box, but very useful for us.  My daughter has eczema and it gets bad in the winter, and it is good to have a natural product to help offer her some relief.  And what a nice item to have, as this is a full size product.

~ JJ’s Sweets – Cocomels Coconut Milk Caramels: What would a goodie box be without a treat?  I was happy to see these caramels in the box, and it was the first thing I started munching on while I looked through the rest of the box.

~ Hampton Creek – Just Mayo: While I don’t use much mayo, my daughter snatched these right up.  She loves homemade subs with lots of mayo, so these packets of Just Mayo were right up her alley.

I am very impressed by my Daily Goodie Box.  The samples had such a nice variety of interesting items, and full sizes too!  Normally I find myself giving away samples because they aren’t things I can use, but I have been trying out everything in this box!

I love that there is no credit card required, and all you need to do is provide feedback on the items.  There really is no catch – they just want to hear your feedback on the items!

My Daily Goodie box was a wonderful treat that I am still enjoying.  Check it out and enjoy your free samples!

Check out the Daily Goodie Box at



