Instagram captions that are unique and compelling are responsible for more engagement. Ideal Instagram captions can lead to more comments and likes and your followers are going to view your videos and photos often. Ideal Instagram captions are capable of showing off the personality of your brand, entertaining audience, and also encourage people to take actions. Given below is a list of tips that you should follow to write engaging Instagram captions.

Know the audience

Instagram has millions of users and it is not difficult to target your audience. However, everyone is not going to be interested in what you are offering. You need to make sure that you are reaching the right target audience who will be interested in engaging with your posts. This is why you have to build a particular audience base and understand your target customers and their main objectives. Based on this, you have to write compelling and engaging captions that will attract them to visit your profile and go through your post. 

Identify the brand voice

If you have not identified the voice of your brand, it is time that you do so. You need to understand the values and qualities that you want your business to embody. Make sure that you are listing it and using it to shape the voice. It is also a good idea to jot down adjectives that will describe the business, like “curious”, “bold”, “authoritative”, etc. Instagram users are not expecting a formal tone from you but you need to ensure that you are writing the caption in whimsy and humorous manner so that followers are interested in taking action. 

Consider the length

Numerous people prefer crawling through the Instagram feed at a great pace. This is why it is suggested that you keep the captions brief. You indeed need to give context where required but in case if the post is capable of speaking for itself, it is suggested that you leave the caption aside.

Place the important words right at the beginning

After a few lines, followers cannot read the captions because they have to tap on “more” to read the entire caption. This is why it is suggested that you convey the most important points for the call to action right at the beginning of the caption. Apart from that, starting with important words is also a sign of good writing. If you are capable of keeping your readers interested, they will tap on “more” to read the entire content.

Use hashtags wisely

Make use of hashtags that have relevance with your post as well as the target audience. Hashtags are capable of making your posts reach numerous people apart from only your followers. However, it is your responsibility to make sure that you are not using several hashtags because they do not look professional. 


Writing captions is undoubtedly important for every Instagram post. Make sure that you are considering the tips that have been stated above so that you can write your captions ideally. 

Author Bio

Walter Moore is a notable management consultant and digital marketing expert. He is an experienced digital marketer and has helped e-commerce businesses in all niches gain with his effective marketing strategies and guidance.