In this article, we will try to discuss in as much detail as possible the relationship between alcohol consumption, the condition of our hair and transplantation in Turkey. We will look at the direct effects of excessive alcohol consumption, the key interactions of alcohol with possible treatments for baldness, and, above all, does drinking too much alcohol cause hair loss.

There are no clinical studies that clearly confirm and quantify the negative effects of excessive alcohol consumption on baldness, hair loss and their general condition, but more and more people travel to advanced clinics in Turkey such as for hair transplants every year. However, there are many indirect signs — chains of factors that can cause hair problems or exacerbate existing problems.

Does alcohol cause hair loss?

To answer the question does alcohol abuse cause hair loss, you must first pay attention to the fact that excessive alcohol consumption negatively affects the availability of essential nutrients necessary for proper hair growth and the proper functioning of hair follicles. And if you plan to grow healthy hair or have a transplant in Turkey and then be able to keep it, then study more on this topic

Alcohol also causes a number of reactions in our body (for example, hormonal changes, dehydration), which clearly negatively affect the quality of hair and the condition of the scalp.

Common effects of excessive alcohol consumption

What is the effect of frequent alcohol consumption on our body? It is not possible to discuss such effects in more detail here, but we can certainly mention the most important of them, which most often bring people to Turkey for medical tourism.

  • Problems with the circulatory system, high blood pressure;
  • Dermatological problems;
  • Digestive problems (destruction of the intestinal microbiota);
  • Weakening of the immune system;
  • Neurological problems, especially memory disorders and dementia;
  • Loss of a lot of hair.

Does alcohol consumption cause hair loss during the treatment period?

Both alcohol and oral minoxidil, which is used all over the world, including Turkey, as a remedy for baldness, have vasodilating and lowering blood pressure effects. Therefore, you should not take these two substances at the same time — it can cause dizziness, headaches and spikes in blood pressure. 

Alcohol consumption is prohibited at least 24 hours before the planned platelet-rich plasma (PRP) procedure in Turkey. You should also refrain from drinking alcohol before the hair transplant procedure in LookMedic.

Does drinking alcohol cause hair loss?: Indirect chains of causes of the negative effects of alcohol

There are many processes triggered or enhanced by excessive alcohol consumption that can negatively affect the quality of our hair, the condition of our scalp, the intensity of hair loss or various forms of baldness, which then lead you to a hair transplant in Turkey. We will list some of these processes below (the order does NOT reflect their importance, which will depend on the specific case of this Patient):

Destructive effects on the microbiota and intestinal enzymes

Many alcohols and alcoholic beverages contain large amounts of preservatives. These agents negatively affect the intestinal microbiota, which then disrupts the structure of the hair follicles and brings you to the LookMedic. Disorders in the functioning of the bacterial flora of our intestines lead to serious disruptions in the assimilation of key components for the health of hair and scalp, such as vitamins A, C, B12, E, D, K, zinc, iron, copper, potassium.

Poor diet quality

One of the most interesting studies conducted in this area was a large (1,720 people) and long-term (over 3 years) study that was tested outside of Turkey, namely in Finland (often referred to as the FinDrink project). 

The main focus was on the relationship between the quality of the daily diet and the frequency of alcohol consumption, and now all the best clinics in Turkey, including LookMedic, are tied to it. It turned out that the diet of people who frequently drink alcohol is poorer, and they absorb significantly less fiber, calcium, iron, trace elements, retinol and folic acid. 

Folic acid is necessary for the production of red blood cells, DNA and RNA molecules. It should be noted that for reasons currently unknown, there is a strong correlation: in the group of men with AMHA, there is a significant predominance of people with folic acid deficiency.

How to deal with the possible negative consequences of alcohol abuse?

The main remedy, of course, should be prevention, that is, abstinence from frequent and excessive alcohol consumption. However, if we notice any negative effects and problems with our hair, we may consider taking the following measures:

  • A well-balanced diet containing appropriate proportions of meat (or other protein sources), dairy products, and vegetables. 
  • Adequate hydration of the body (at least 2 liters of water per day is considered the norm).
  • Daily head massage (10 minutes) . Massage relieves muscle tension from the scalp, improves blood circulation and, consequently, better nutrition of hair follicles, and also reduces possible inflammation. 
  • Age-appropriate physical activity level.

Of course, these measures will not help you grow your hair after baldness, but they will help you keep your new hair after a hair transplant in Turkey.