Have you ever seen your children playing with their phone or tablet and worried that they were getting too much screen time? If so, you’re like most parents these days. Electronics have overtaken our world (even, let’s admit it, ourselves) in unprecedented ways. Beyond behavior issues and potential eye damage, excessive EMF exposure from these devices could be harming your children. Don’t worry, though: there are ways to protect yourself and your little ones from this issue.

You Swim in a Sea of EMF Every Day
Most people don’t even think a thing about the invisible waves in the air around us. After all, you can’t see them, so it’s like they’re not even there. But all our electronic devices constantly bombard us with EMF waves (as does the sun, though that’s natural). What exactly does EMF mean, though?
Electromagnetic forces or radiation is a type of common waveform produced by electronic devices. Your cell phone? Tons of it. A laptop? Even more! Your child’s tablet? Constantly throwing tons of EMF directly in their face. That probably sounds a little scary, right? Well, it should, honestly.
Now, don’t panic. We’re not trying to throw readers into terror-filled nights with sweaty sheets and constant anxiety. But we need to be honest with you: EMF waves may not be 100% safe. Newly emerging studies find plenty of concern that parents like you need to understand.
What Excessive EMF Exposure May Mean to Your Children
Here’s the big disclaimer we should make right now: there’s a lot of debate in scientific literature right now about the dangers of EMF exposure. Some people think that they’re just fine and that the risk is exaggerated. However, a growing number of specialists are concerned about the potential issues.
For instance, various organizations have linked cancer (!) of various types to Group 2B (i.e., your cell phones, tablets, and other smart devices) and even Group 1 EMF waves. What kinds of tumors have been connected to these waves? They include problems like:
- Glioma, a type of malignant brain cancer that was once very rare
- Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), an adult leukemia with devastating symptoms
- Childhood leukemia, another common and problematic type of cancer
What’s particularly wild is that studies show long-term EMF exposure could damage our ability to think (cognition) and even degrade brains to the point of Alzheimer’s-type symptoms. Rats, in particular, have experienced tissue heating and nerve damage due to cell phone exposure.
Naturally, those who don’t want to cause panic state the obvious: these issues occur mostly in animal cells. There are no human-related tests or results to worry about just yet…but could that change? Do you want to take that risk for your child? We think not, especially since there are ways to stay safe.
Stay Safe With Filtration Technology
To meet the demands of an increasingly concerned populace, companies like Aires have created EMF filtration tools to keep individuals safe. These powerful and unique devices can absorb, reflect, or simply filter these waves without blocking them, ensuring you can live a modern life happily.
For example, you can install a personal device on your phone to minimize unnecessary EMF exposure in your house. However, you can also put up a broader unit that filters waves in an entire home! In this way, you can mitigate potential problems and reduce your child’s danger..
Other Ways to Stay Safe
Beyond filtration tools, you can also utilize a myriad of other techniques to reduce your child’s risk. These include some simple lifestyle changes as well as upgrades to your network and devices that can keep you fully protected. Just a few simple steps that you can take here include:
- Turning off your Wi-Fi connections when they’re not in use
- Setting up wired connections (Ethernet) whenever you feel comfortable with them
- Hooking even your cell phone up to Ethernet using various adapters
- Installing Ethernet cables with shielding (Cat 7 or higher rankings)
- Filtering your dirty electricity
- Eating healthier foods and taking vitamin supplements
You deserve the peace of mind knowing that you’ve done whatever you can to keep your little one safe. Invest in these measures and keep yourself and your child happy and healthy for years to come.
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