Xmas is fast approaching and many of us will have already started thinking about gifts. While some people are easy to buy for, there are others who can be notoriously difficult to choose a gift for. This post takes a look at some of the most challenging recipients, while offering a few potential gift ideas.

Long-term partners
Surprisingly, the most difficult person to buy gifts for is often our partner or spouse. In fact, one study found that 35% of people named their significant other as the most difficult person to buy gifts for – more so than parents or in-laws.
This issue tends to be more common with long-term relationships. After years of buying gifts for our partner, many of us can run out of ideas, yet we may still feel the pressure to buy something big and meaningful. A box of chocolates or a bottle of wine is not enough. And there are only so many personalized gifts that you can buy.
So just what type of gift should you buy for a long-term partner? The most reliable gifts are couple experiences. These are a chance to spend quality time together. Such an experience could be something you already both know and love, or it could be a brand new experience. Spa breaks, hot air balloon rides, theater tickets, concert tickets, wine-tasting trips, cookery classes and escape rooms are just a few different experiences to consider.
Dads are typically hard to buy gifts for because they tend to buy everything they want and need themselves. Personalized ‘best dad ever’ gifts can be a fun solution at first – but after many birthdays and xmases and father’s days, you may find that even this is no longer an option.
Most dads have specific hobbies and interests, and you may be able to find niche gifts related to these interests. Dads appreciate humorous gifts, so don’t be afraid to look into obscure novelty gifts like a toilet piano mat, desk mini golf or a dumbbell-shaped beer glass.
A lot of dads love gadgets, however some gadgets can be expensive and are only worthwhile if they’re likely to get good use. Simple gadget accessories like $10 car phone holders are a safer gift than a $100 smartwatch – if they don’t use it, it isn’t money wasted.
Sometimes the simplest gifts are the ones that are most appreciated. A photo taken of you with your dad in a frame or a keyring is a great example. You could even consider a custom photo album.
Many of us also struggle to buy gifts for in-laws – particularly parents-in-law. Some of us don’t know our in-laws well enough, or feel that we have to prove ourselves with a special gift. Differences in wealth can also add pressure – if you’re used to buying cheap gifts for your family, but your in-laws all buy more expensive gifts, you may feel the pressure to spend more.
The best solution is often to let your partner take the lead and give joint gifts rather than separate gifts from the two of you. They will know more about their parents and siblings’ interests, as well as the types of gifts they usually receive. Similarly, you can make it your responsibility to buy joint gifts for your parents from you and your partner.
If you and your partner have children together, photos of the kids can often be a reliable gift to give to in-laws. A photo of your kids with your in-laws could be particularly well appreciated. Photos of your kids with their cousins could also be a great gift to give to a brother-in-law or sister-in-law.
Teen grandchildren
Getting gifts for grandchildren can become harder as they get older. Once they become teens, you may find it harder to keep up with trends that they’re into and may be worried about buying them something that they’ve grown out of.
Asking your own children what their kids are into could help to give you some ideas. Alternatively, don’t be afraid to ask your grandkids directly. They may be able to tell you about certain clothes that they like or accessories they’re into.
Something simple that all teens are certain to appreciate is money. This gives kids the freedom to buy what they want. Alternatively, you could look into gift cards targeted at specific stores. This could allow you to personalize your gift a little more than just giving them money, while still enabling them to choose their own gift. You can buy gift cards online for various different stores and brands. This could be accompanied by a simple gift like chocolates to make sure they’re still getting a physical gift.
Secret Santa coworkers
A lot of workplaces have started doing ‘Secret Santa’ – every staff member is assigned a coworker to secretly buy a gift for. If you get lucky, this could be a coworker that you get on well with and know their interests. If you get unlucky, this could be a coworker you dislike or barely know.
When buying gifts for the latter type of colleague, you may have to get hints from other coworkers that know them better. Avoid food and drink unless you know their dietary requirements – some people may not eat milk chocolate if they’re vegan or lactose intolerant, or may not drink alcohol due to personal or religious reasons. Fun mugs and unusual desk toys are typically safe options if you know nothing about the person you’re buying for.
What if you’re buying for the boss? A lot of people feel added pressure to do something creative or fun in this instance. Fortunately, there are lots of guides online on buying gifts for bosses. Use these for inspiration if you can’t think of any good personal gifts. You can also ask coworkers for ideas.
There will usually be a spending limit when playing Secret Santa. Make sure that you stay within this spending limit – even if you’re buying a gift for your boss, you shouldn’t feel pressured to spend more just to impress.
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